Accidental Video. Action for those in the HoA. Taking Magneto to the park.

Jul 02, 2011 02:44

(Backdated to July 1st, early afternoon, Deadpool is in red, Magneto in blue)

[Making an attempt to grapple the small black haired boy] Come on, its time to go to the fricking park.

I'm NOT going!  LET GO of me! [Erik was tiny, undersized, and at this age, not very strong.  But he was stubborn and hard to pin.  And kicked.] LET ME GO.

[has a harness in one hand, and is working on putting it on him] You are going to go to the bloody park, and you will have fun damn it.

[has one arm twisted half inside his shirt, knees pulled up to his chest, batting at Deadpool with his other hand] I'm NOT GOING.  STOP TRY TO PUT THAT ON ME!  [his voice was getting higher by the word]

Yeah, the high pitched noise is totally working, for sure, thats what'll stop me. [Puts him in a headlock and starts pulling the harness down over him]

[no verbal response, just bites - hard - in response to the head lock.]

OW, thats a bad little buddy. [uses being bitten to pull down the harness over him]  Now that we've got you leashed though, I don't have to worry about you running off. [picks up the kid still attached to his arm, and carries him along, having been cut up before, a kid biting isn't really that bad]

[And that does it.  If is can be side Magneto has a Berserker Button, it's losing control.  He full scale LOSES IT, flying into a rage of wild kicks, punches, headbutting, wild flailing and trashing of his body, and screaming.]LETMEGOMETMEGOGETOFFGETOFFGETOFFJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!

[keeps carrying him out, kind of ignoring all he is doing] Seriously, you should stop being such a little bitch, its a little annoying man. You realize I said park, not bath of acid right?

[Continues his wild thrashing, not hearing Deadpool.  Although it should be obvious he doesn't have his powers]

c: pinkie pie, !: deadpool, c: griffin o'conner, c: julian 'hellion' keller, !: magneto

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