Wednesday; June 29, 2011
Weather Cloudy with clear periods. Chance of showers in the evening, with a few showers developing overnight. 21`°C and a low of 13°C (75°F/57°F)
Current Moon Phase: Waning crescent
Morning sirens will go off at 5:14 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:17 pm.
Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, giving you 3 days to leave the apartments.
Minako Aino
John Smith
Dahlia Hawthorne
Winner in Race Announced! Townshed to Take the Town!
It seems that though sheer statistics, Reginald Townshed has taken the title. Townshed's campaign seemed to mostly be focused on a very small, but very important list of key points. First, Townshed is a well known and very accurate accountant, and has made it known that he would focus on the current budget crisis. His record was shown to be impeccable, despite several attempts to prove otherwise.
And last, but not least, he was the neutral party. Between the warring sides of AGI and SERO, he had proven himself to be immovable, and the public responded to it. Some are calling it an inevitability due to the statistics of the situation, and some are even saying that it was inevitable from the start, though the reporter is quick to point out that no one said anything of the sort until he had already become the forerunner late last night.
Police Chief Aedri Miller has said that she will transfer the governorship Friday, which is, coincidentally, Canada Day.
The one issue that seems to be milling among the people is the fact that Townshed isn't exactly known for being the nicest man, quotes even go so far as to call him "Sort of a prick", but between being unaffiliated and offering to solve the budget, the people don't seem to mind.
"It's not us that has to deal with his charming personality none, anyway." said James Michael Randy, one of the many people who were scouted for quotes in the underground mall. "That's the higher ups. We didn't like Redgrave, we don't have to like Townshed, long as he gets the job done."
Barros Battles at the Crux
This article talks about a scuffle that occurred at The Crux, a dilapidated little bar in Sector 9. It appears a man now identified as thirty-three year old Gunther Barros, one of the twelve wanted fugitives from the Sanitarium that are still at large, strode into the bar at approximately 11 PM last night. When the owner of the Crux refused to give him free drinks and tried to call the police, Barros became infuriated and started a fist fight with one of the bouncers, who was easily beaten into submission. He was able to escape the other two bouncers before authorities arrived at the scene. The other patrons, while none of them intervened, took pictures and videos of the fight which led the SPPD to the identification of the ex-linebacker for the Panthers. This type of behavior was not new to Barros, a similar incident occurring after his second time in therapy back in early 2010.
The bouncer in question, Mr. Brandon Fenn, 48, is currently in the hospital for internal hemorrhaging and several broken bones, a fractured skull, and two cracked ribs. The only reason Fenn did not suffer more arduous injuries was because one of his coworkers, a waitress, happened to have minimal healing powers and took care of what she could before the paramedics arrived. Barros' bounty has increased to $8,250 in light of this incident. Barros is still quite dangerous and is to be approached with caution.
- The ongoing AGI Slavery Trial has been postponed for Canada Day celebrations, and rescheduled on the court docket for July 19th.
-Guitar lessons!: Alice Moore is offering guitar lessons for cheap! Local high school student, willing to teach small children, part of a summer project. Very small fee. Contact Alice through the NV.
News Notification Thread]