Saturday; June 11, 2011
Weather Mostly cloudy, with sunny periods. Slight chance of a shower, with a strong southeastern breeze.. High of 18°C and a low of 11°C (64°F/52°F)
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Morning sirens will go off at 5:11 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:12 pm.
Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, giving you 3 days to leave the apartments.
Ronald Knox
Bigby Wolf
Other News
- SERO Representative Karl Kingston in the Darkness Protection Development Department announced on all SERO channels that anyone with full SERO alignment can come to the main office in sector two and request discounted Darkness proofing to help rebuild property that might have been damaged in the rioting. An assessment of the damage will be done by an employee and the total discount will be given upon the decision of assistance requirement. Only SERO members may apply. Those who wish to affiliate with SERO may do so at this time and still receive assistance from the company.
- Coffee Drinkers rejoice! Something Different Coffee House has at last won a very large stock of exotic coffees from around the world, expanding their already extensive showcase of coffee beans! Try our new Civet and Muntjak lines, shots as low as $75! A real bargain! A real steal! Prices and supplies wont last! Come down to SD Coffie House today and try the new craze.
- Riots around the city are slowing down as SPPD slowly gains control over the streets of the city. Jail cells and holding houses are nearing maximum counts and local lawyers are finding an abundance of simple case work.
- Siren’s Port Fire Department is seeing an influx of fire and property damage but newly joined Hector Menendez has proven to be more then a big help. With not only the power to create water but the power to fly as well, Menendez has been seen taking off from one fire to the next, taking look out to spot other fires and directing his fellow firefighters to locations faster then ever before. Though watermancers have littered the department for years none of them have had the efficiency as Menendez. Fire Chief Lowell Fisher stated that Hector has already received a medal of honour for his hard work, dedication and nerves of steel.
News Notification Thread]