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Jun 08, 2011 23:07

[What starts off on the feed is focused on the box of a McDonald's 'Happy Meal' on its side. From inside it there are two glowing red, unblinking eyes and an unchanging little mouth that seems to be smiling. A white tail seems to peek out atop the box from the other side, swishing back and forth. One white paw comes out and then the next before Kyubey is wriggling out of the box entirely. Off to his side there seems to be a carton of chicken nuggets and a carton of fries. Once he's out, the bottom of the box obviously having been opened, he sits back on his hind legs like a squirrel, grabbing one of the chicken nuggets before opening his mouth to stuff it completely inside.]

I wonder why they are called 'Happy Meals'.

[He decides to take a fry now, holding it between plush little paws as he cocks his head to the side, blinking once very slowly.]

Do they instill happiness in those who consume them? Are they a source of happiness?

[In goes the fry.] I don't understand happiness, but it's enjoyable to consume. Tasty. [Another fry follows close at hand. Does he mean the Happy Meal or actual happiness? Perhaps it's better not to ask...]

I guess sometimes people find happiness in the form of wishes or some in the form of a 'Happy Meal'.

Or maybe both.

I'd recommend both. One even comes with a toy.

[Now that his front paws are fry free, he sets them down, blinking again.]

Sayaka Miki, are you still alive?

[ooc: For those that haven't filled it out, Permission Post! Thank you~]

c: claude faustus, c: bernkastel, !: kyubey, †: kainé, c: ahiru, c: yonah, c: elliot nightray

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