
Jun 08, 2011 21:24

[It's almost Darkness when the post goes up. Re-l is looking directly into the NV, eyes narrowed on her audience. There's a nasty bruise just under her eye that's slowly losing its ugliness, healing up before the camera's eyes.]

It should go without saying that none of you should go out tonight after all of that mess. If you have to protect your businesses or your workers, that's one thing. But the people out and attacking rioters... There's no excuse for that. You don't fight violence with more violence. That's common sense, for pity's sake!

[She scowls, glancing over to the side. Someone's talking in the distance and she's listening in for the moment.]

If you've been hurt, you should immediately go to one of the hospitals if it's anything more than a scrape or a bruise. If you can treat it at home, do so. You can always do a follow-up in the morning at the clinic or at the hospital, but they're going to be crowded tonight with all of the people with major injuries and with anyone stupid enough to still be out there when Darkness falls.

And if you want anything immediate, you might be better off going to the clinic in the Newcomer Community Center. They can see you if it's anything you don't think can wait until morning.

[She looks down at her watch.]

Half an hour until the sirens go off. Great.

[By now, the bruise is gone. She brushes a piece of her hair behind her ear and grabs the NV.]

If you were out there or if you know someone who was, sound off, will you? I want to make sure no one's grieveously hurt. [And that no one's in a body bag.] Especially if I saw you out there.

c: the joker, c: raul creed, !: re-l mayer, c: franziska von karma, c: edward nygma, c: ahiru, c: gazille redfox, c: lucifer morningstar, c: dr. john seward

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