
Jun 08, 2011 19:50

[There's a long line in front of the camera image, mostly school-age children and soccer moms, clutching identical copies of a book cover you might recognize from the newsfeed this morning-

But there are a few older guys in line too, rougher around the edges, who don't look quite like they belong in the Children's Section of a chain bookstore.

The video's filled with impatient whining and background chatter. The view pans and wobbles over shoulders and between heads, to show a young man with dark hair, pulled back in a low sitting pony tail with brown eyes and a friendly but intelligent face, wearing a vintage leather jacket from the 40’s, faded and worn out.

A voice you may recognize as either Joe's or Riku's hisses excitedly over the feed. In a second, those who know them both well will be able to figure out which one.]

Can you see 'em? That's actually him! Darwin Watts, Professional Darkness Explorer and Monster Specialist! He wrote the guide. This is amazing!

I called the bookstore after the big riot three times to make sure they weren't going to cancel- But Darwin's hardcore, he's not going to quit just 'cause some people got violent on the other end of the island.

They're closing the line for the reading in fifteen minutes, but I'm definitely going to get his autograph and show him my pictures. [The image jostles, he's anxiously bouncing on his toes, still trying to get a good look around the crowd.]  Just a little bit longer!

!: replica riku

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