♕TENTH♕ [Video]

Jun 07, 2011 02:12

[Hello Siren's Port. This is Haruhi Fujioka for those old and new who may or may not know her. She's usually far too busy for the network, but at the moment, she seems to have enough time for a quick message, if anything. The androgynous girl (...she is a girl, right? She could pass for a rather pretty boy too, if you think about it...) seems none too pleased as she speaks.]

There is such a thing as going too far. This is one of those times.

[The feed is then turned away from her only to be angled at a door. But this is no ordinary door, oh no. This is the ~love door~ the door between Haruhi and Tamaki's separate living quarters in their house. There seems to be a golden plaque nailed onto it that states as much - 'LOVE DOOR' written in fancy letters. But that doesn't seem to be what is currently irritating Haruhi.

No. It's the giant red siren that has been installed in the doorway before the door.]

Why on Earth would you have something like this installed, Tamaki-sempai? I've no idea what goes on in that head of yours but if this has anything to do with Kyouya-sempai's arrival you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.

[The feed turns back to her as he sighs, clearly not pleased.]

I've no stepladder and I've no idea how this...thing was installed, but it needs to be removed immediately. I can't even step past the door without it being sounded and it only just turned off from the last time it was triggered. I need to clean but if I can't even get into where I need to clean...

Long story short: will someone help uninstall this alarm for me?

[There's another sigh before she goes to sit down on her bed, still holding the feed up to her face.]

Tamaki-sempai is also going to arrange a bake sale for a fundraiser soon and has lovingly given me the task of baking ridiculous amounts of various baked goods. There's no way I can bake everything by myself so I was wondering if a few others could help me with the task of doing so? [A pause.] Gilbert? Would you be able to help too? Only if you're not busy, of course.

[And then, of course, one last sigh.]

Thank you for your time.

!: haruhi fujioka

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