news feed; Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Jun 04, 2011 07:09

Saturday; June 4, 2011

Sunny and bright, with a warm west wind. High of 24°C and a low of 14°C (75°F/57°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Morning sirens will go off at 5:14 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:07 pm.

Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, giving you 3 days to leave the apartments.

Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Kanji Tatsumi
Roxie Hart
Zaeed Massani
Faith Lehane

SPPD Seizes Diamond Until Further Notice.

Due to the current state of martial law and the unrest over Redgrave's death, SERO has been told to release the baseball diamond, and by extension the core, back to the city.

This decision comes as part of the attempt to gain back control of the city until the government can sort out what to do with who is being left in charge. A spokesperson for the city has said that 'They do not wish to grant unfair advantages while the city is in such and uproar and hope that this will move possible conflict from the area of the core.'

All findings have been reported to the city as time has gone on, but they are still being asked to display all notes and research materials just in case.

The representative for the city did not say if SERO was permanently removed from the diamond, but it is very clear that this is, at the very least, going to be a while.

The SPPD has upped patrols around the area of the diamond, around all government buildings, schools, and the areas reported as more troublesome. They hope this will cut down on crime and attempts at violence, but in the meantime, they urge people to act in the best interest of the city and each other.

More will be reported as time goes on, and a representative for the city has said that Chief Miller will be giving an official statement sometime early next week.

Other News

- Afterglow Incident
The article states that coming on the heels of Redgrave's assassination and before a highly anticipated court date involving AGI, there has been an incident in one of the company's biggest entertainment centers, xXx Afterglow, with a fatality. Details are vague but they do manage to provide a few bits of information. Andrew Anderson, 38, was discovered with his neck broken when security came in to check on him and his entertainer. The article continues on evasively, stating the cause of death has yet to be determined and painting AGI in a positive light.

- Beach Bonfire & Drumming Circle Tonight
Meets tonight at Dead Horse Cove, 2 1/2 hours before siren. Some drums provided, but bring your own if you have them! Fire spinning performance. Come out in the spirit of peaceful unity. Kindly curb all corporate-related conflict, which is not welcome in the circle.

- Boarders Wanted:
Located in Sector 4. Clean living space, shared common area. 3 bedrooms available, all doubles. Reasonable rent. If interested, contact Yako Katsuragi.

[ ooc: Yako'll be interviewing anyone who applies to check their suitability, since they're going to be living in Break and Sharon's home, where she's staying now! ]

[ News Notification Thread]

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