Tuesday; May 31st, 2011
A mix of sun and cloud. Humid, with a Slight chance of showers. High of 20°C and a low of 11°C (68°F/52°F)
Current Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
Morning sirens will go off at 5:16 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:04 pm.
Garbage Collectors Union Strikes Over 'Picking' Policies
[The article is headed by a large photo of a man in coveralls, holding up a sign that reads "ONE MAN'S TRASH IS ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE: SANITATION OFFICIALS PLAY DIRTY"]
After threatening the Department of Sanitation with strike for a renegotiated contract, a compromise has not been reached over a month of deliberation, and the Garbage Collector's Union finally begins picket-lining tomorrow.
Among other rejected terms of the new contract, the main point of contention appears to be a struggle over resale policy. While sorting out Recyclables, Composting, Hazardous and Non-biodegradable trash, many garbage sorters nearly double their income by finding valuable castaway items at the landfill, hauling them away in personally-owned vehicles and selling them to the Black Markets, antiquers, and other private buyers. Some sorters even keep their own collections in junkyard lots, where they resell everything from auto parts to enchanted galoshes.
The new contract policy forbids this practice, citing that personal picking profits are untaxed income, and garbage sorters waste more time on the clock picking out their own prizes than properly sorting trash. Under the new contract, the city will hire or promote landfill picker-salesmen specifically for Resale items, who will report all external earnings and net only a percentage of their profit. The remaining Resale money will go towards fixing the city's budgeting crisis.
Garbage workers are furious with the reformed policy, some stating that over 40% of their annual income comes from long hours of off-duty Picking Resale. This money pays for bills, sends children to college, and is earned on their own luck, initiative and appraising eyes.
What effect will this have on the city? The Department of Sanitation has insured the public that it will temporarily staff Pick-Up & Drivers from AGI-leased slaves for the duration of the strike, changing the garbage pickup schedule to once-per-week in districts 1-6, and every-other week in districts 8-10.
"If we can be expecting curbside piles, I hope the weather remains cool!" said independent news weather-woman Solara DuPoint. "We are in for one sweltering, stinky summer if the union's demands are not met!"
Other News
- Bouncer/Security Guard Training
In this 2-week Night Course you will learn how to spot fake ID, stay on alert for hazardous use of powers, safely break up fights, resist psychic attacks, work effectively with law enforcement, prevent property damage and use of excess force to avoid issues of liability. Become guaranteed for hire at any AGI club upon completion of certification! See Hawthorne University Admissions Office to register. Meet M-Th nights on campus, Friday nights at on-site assignment training. Two Sessions, beginning June 6th & June 20th. $600 Tuition Fee, payment plans available.
- Room with a View
1Br sublease in a 3Br townhouse, looking for temp roommate for June-Sept. Available for move-in immediately. Utility included, fully furnished, overlooks the ocean. $700 a month.
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