
May 25, 2011 15:12

[The feed clicks on inside the spacious and tastefully (re)decorated apartment. Shinji's face is close to the camera, the twisted smirk, lack of glasses, and smoldering cigarette between his lips making his identity obvious. This is the first time he's spoken to the network so blatantly since the torture that led to his death a month ago. There's the soft electric bassline of the music coming from Kimihiko's computer in the background.]

So I wanted to record this just so I can watch and relish it later, cause I'm going to murder this motherfucker and there's nothing he can do about it.

[Backing away from where his NV is propped up, he plops down on a couch nearby that is facing a TV, both seen in profile, beside Kimihiko. Exhaling smoke, he takes a video game controller in his hands. There's the loud sound of a gunshot from the screen as he shoots his teammate character in the face.]

[Kimihiko jumps, his head snapping around as he glowers at Shinji. How utterly rude, if not entirely unexpected.]Hey! You're meant to be fighting alongside me, but if that's what you want! [As his character respawns, he proceeds to equip a new weapon.]

Better watch out! [The sound of machine gun fire is in low contrast to the music as he shoots the other player's character.]

Then get your ass in gear and actually do something! Hey asshole! What do you think you're doing? [Shinji elbows Kimihiko hard in the side before concentrating once more on the screen, abandoning him in a zombie infested area.]

[Kimihiko drops the controller into his lap to shove Shinji back just as roughly.] The same thing you did to me, you-! HEY! Get your lazy ass back here! [He grins as his character is taken down by the mass of zombies on the screen, only to respawn and pursue Shinji's character.]

You're crazy, I would never do something like shooting you in the face. [Returning the shove with his shoulder, he breaks into a fit of snickers, voice laden with sarcasm.] Or leave your mutinying ass to the flesh eaters. Catch me if you can!

You absolute- You mutinied first! I'll catch you! [He laughs brightly, equipping dynamite and throwing it after the other character.]

[A moment of silence as Shinji gives a scrutinizing look to the screen with a thoughtful inhale on his cigarette, sliding off the couch to his knees to get a better look.] … did you just light my ass on fire? [Another half-second, before he bursts into laughter, leaning back against Kimihiko's knees, sighing out smoke in the process.]

[Kimihiko's own laughter is rambunctious and light-hearted. He seems entirely unconcerned with either the recording or the fact he's playing with a man the Port knows as a lunatic.] ...well, you're always thinking you're hot stuff.

[Shinji shoves at the knees he's leaning against.] It's cause I am. I've got a super-soldier who's got his first ever crush on yours truly. [A pause to look up at the camera of his NV, giving as much of a seductively mocking smirk as possible. His fingers hold his cigarette as he takes a confident drag.] Isn't that right, Liquid?

[In response, he kicks out a little to push him back. Nothing too rough.] ...I can't even tell if you're serious or not any more. C'mon, at least fight like a man and not like a scared kitten!

I'm not joking, man. I thought he was, but then he admitted to it. [A hand is taken off the controller to shove Kimihiko's knees away from him hard.] Quit hitting me or I'll stab you asshole you're throwing me off. [Just to make a point, he turns to glare at the screen with an expression of utmost concentration, even putting the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray there. Another gunshot as he shoots Kimihiko's character in the face again.]

Then stop shoving me- HEY! That's it, we're getting up close and personal here! [There is a sharp "shink" sound as the knife is equipped by the respawned character, only to take off after Shinji again.]

[Breaking into laughter, he makes a mocking scared expression at the screen before turning it to the recording.] Awww shit! He's gonna shaft me guys! Quick Liquid, he'll get the goods before you do! Don't let him,-

I want you, oh baby, oh yeah, oh yeah. [The recording times out, the virus inserting the mechanized voice as it has all day.]

c: liquid snake, !: kimihiko ooe, c: urick, !: nishizono shinji / amamiya kazuhiko

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