♛ FILE 001 || VIDEO ♛

May 22, 2011 20:16

[ The video feed flicks on to reveal an extremely attractive young man. As he begins to speak, he keeps his voice as even and polite as he possibly can, however he appears rather tired. ]

Siren’s Port.

[ He adjusts his glasses. ]

I would have thought that this place would be nothing but a rather unpleasant dream, however I appear to be… quite mistaken. [ He frowns slightly. ]

However, I certainly do not recall a welcome with so many individuals asking all sorts of vague and inane questions. But that is beside the point at this time.

There is a matter of extreme urgency that I need to tend to.

[ His tone of voice changes, and an astute listener might detect a hint of concern.

If Suou Tamaki is still here…

[ …or not. ]

I would hope that he has found an appropriate residence to reside in by now. If he thinks that I am going to spend one more moment living in such conditions for some idiotic-

[ And unfortunately, he never gets to finish what he was saying, because just like the first time he arrived here, he collapses into what appears to be… a rather restful sleep. ]

c: suou tamaki, c: france, c: raven, !: ohtori kyouya, c: haruhi fujioka

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