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May 20, 2011 20:29

I know that along with me there are several others who have passed through what I will term "interim worlds" between arriving in the Port, as opposed to what's apparently the majority experience in the newcomer population, jumping directly from their home world to the Port.

What I want to do right now, I suppose, is find out what the experiences people who went through interim worlds have been like when compared to mine, and compared to those people who just arrived directly in the Port. It may be a pointless exercise, I'll admit now. I will also admit that I personally doubt the actual existence of the interim worlds, and maybe our home worlds as well: the Port, powers in the Port, the Core, or whatever you choose to blame, has demonstrated a generous capacity to completely fuck our minds and powers over. I don't see why it would be completely impossible to implant memories of an entire world.

Anyway. Some commonalities.Both the Port and the world I was in before have demonstrated that they have power to revive people from the dead. The Port is a lot more proactive, in my opinion. When people die here, they might come back sometimes: most people in the world I was in just straight-up died. However, just like in the Port, those who remembered dying in their home worlds would arrive and usually be just fine.

Likewise, people here sometimes disappear for a while, and then appear again, without memories of their previous time in the Port. This was also a quality I observed in my interim world, which was not the kind of place a person could just forget.

A question before we go on: I want to know how many people spoke the local language here before they arrived in this world. The previous world I was in introduced an entirely different language into some people's heads too. Honestly, I find that part really rather concerning. A language is a very big and complicated thing to write directly into someone's head. I suppose those who spoke the language in the first place don't need to make any note of it, but honestly I find it a lot more perturbing than some of the other things observed here, on an intrinsic level. That's the integrity of your mind being breached, maybe not for a bad thing, but do you want anyone mucking around in your mind at all?

Powers. The world I was in had a degree of control over people's powers, too - by which I frankly mean that most people had powers entirely suppressed. The Port has exhibited influence over powers too, that from some perspectives seems random. By this I mean the appearance of powers in some people who were without them beforehand, while most everyone else retains their powers. However, as we've seen, the Core apparently can suppress or nullify powers too, to say nothing of the abilities of Voids.
   Honestly, the Core does not seem random to me. I suppose we can't know how many people might not make it whole and hale into the ballfield, and how many might somehow die in transit, or be diverted to a different world, or something. There could have been thousands of newcomers who just splattered on the outside wall of the universe and never made it in, so to speak. We might only be viewing a very limited selection of "successes", arrivals who came in unblemished. But then I question how people apparently return home and then arrive back here safely with those memories intact. If it's truly so dangerous, would that be a likely occurrence?

I mentioned my doubt as to the existence of the "home" world that I remember, as well, even though I think I may have briefly returned there and correspondingly disappeared from the city during the time I was "at home" too. It may be possible to be shipped home and then drawn back, I'm not discounting that it is possible. Regarding that too, I had observed an interesting change: I sustained some injuries in the interim world that scarred there, and those scares were present when I arrived in the Port, too. However, upon returning from home, those scars had disappeared. I also arrived in the ballfield after my trip home in traditional dress, with items from home that I remembered receiving. This is good news, I think, as to my eyes the idea of being kidnapped and my kidnappers taking the time to construct an entirely new outfit and replace weapons and such upon my person would be a heck of a lot of effort to go to for goals I'm not sure about. Although it might certainly be within the capacity of some.

This one is a stretch, but both worlds also provided the means for new arrivals to communicate with each other quickly and easily, though not always securely or comfortably. At that point, does anyone know where the NVs come from? I mean, really, mysterious machines found on one's person upon arrival that connect you to a convenient network? Who set this network up? I assume they don't just spontaneously generate. Who puts the machine on you? Are we saying that the Core just builds us little machines or little magical things to be used at our convenience, just because? Really? The Core might make it possible, I suppose, but I find the whole thing to be a bit of a stretch.
Anyway, that's about all I've observed so far that's really stood out to me, and all I really had to say on the matter for the moment. Otherwise, I would just ask people who'd had experience with interim worlds to present their own experiences on the matter. I wouldn't want to ask anyone who would be uncomfortable sharing, or force answers, or anything. I am curious, though.

And though I know the question has been asked before, I keep wondering about it, so I suppose I must bring it up again: what are we supposed to believe happened to all the newcomers who arrived before us. We hear that newcomers have arrived before, so where are they? Shouldn't they have been here to say hello?

That's really all, then. But, on an entirely different personal note, I was wondering if anyone new a good way to get a high school education that didn't involve actually going to high school. I'm older than most of the other kids there, MAN doesn't make life any easier, and I think some of my teachers like me, which is nice, but generally the whole thing more gets on my nerves.

c: sora, !: asano rin, c: magneto, c: nara shikamaru, c: haruno sakura

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