news feed; Thursday, May 19th, 2011

May 19, 2011 05:42

Thursday; May 19, 2011

Weather Clear, bright and sunny. A gorgeous day for enjoying spring weather High of 21°C and a low of 10°C (70°F/50°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Morning sirens will go off at 5:28 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:50 pm.

The Little Lawsuit that Could?

This article describes the pending lawsuit against Afterglow, Inc., challenging its system of slavery. The article isn't exactly pro-AGI, but it certainly isn't for the lawsuit, either; it expresses incredulity that anyone, let alone a group of Newcomers, would challenge laws that have been in place for a very long time. The implication left by the article is that the plaintiffs are upstarts who are trying to make Siren's Port more like their homes, and that they have no right to be here and try to change the city's culture.

The article concludes with a number of quotes from people on the street, talking about how little they like having the Newcomers in the city. In the end, the article just became about the author's xenophobia.

Rise in Newcomers Arrested for Violence

The editorial goes on to state that newcomers are a hostile plague on the city responsible for a wave of violent assault, citing three arrests made yesterday evening. One was a new arrival at the diamond, who lashed out at SERO researchers. The other was an attack on AGI's flagship club, Afterglow xXx, led by wanted newcomers Kadaj and Yazoo, who kidnapped and tortured an SPPD officer earlier this month.

Some additional mention is made of The Collar Killer, The Joker, Yaha, a "notoriously violent staff" at Merlotte's, and other smaller instances of property damage known to be caused by arrivals who have come to the city within the past year. The writer then recommends that schools and employers should have the right to require any newcomer seeking enrollment or employment to pass psychiatric evaluation.


- Fellow Poker Enthusiasts I am trying to start up a local game. Saturdays around noon for a few hours. No Limit Hold'em tourneys w/ 20$-50$ buy ins. Stakes are small enough that its more for fun than to make/lose any serious money. Looking to put together a list of people who might be interested. Leave your name with the bartender at The Dog's Breakfast, or Call Mike @ NV #44-4802

- Promotional Company Needs Advertisement Distributors Hiring 5 flier distributors, positions must be filled before Saturday. A Full time gig, this promo campaign will be going all summer. An excellent way for students to make fast $! We are looking for someone who can work at least 5 days per week at a starting pay of $16/hr cash plus % commission of any calls the company gets as a result of your work. Must be fun, attractive, energetic and willing to go the extra mile to capture attention. Please send all emails to

- Good Morning! Knutson's Country Home Is serving up breakfast just for you (lunch and dinner too!) Have a real nice day! Fable Way & Elliot Ave. Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat. 7am-8pm, Sunday 9am-8pm. Now hiring wholesome, hardworking servers & hosting staff! Call NV # 56-9147 for table reservations.

[Knutson's serves up homestyle cooking & hospitality in family-sized portions, on red-and-white checkered tablecloths, with blue and white china and milk served in white ceramic pitchers. People rave about the fresh-baked pies. A popular mid-priced lower 4th Sector restaurant, it also features an adjacent antique shop.]

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