Entry 001 ☯ [Accidental Video]

May 18, 2011 18:50

[The baseball diamond came into the NV's view. Silence rained for a full minute, the camera capturing much of the area, before a soft voice was heard.]

I've returned...

[Quick steps were clearly heard in the background, the recording turned and captured a young man waving his arm. He smiled toward the NV.]

Welcome to Sir--

[His smile quickly faltered, as he rushed forward, the screen went dark as his hand covered the recording.] The dizziness will fade soon, along with any nausea you might feel.  What's your name?

[He moved back enough to give her some room, and in doing so, her Division badge slipped, and with it the recording shifted 90 degrees capturing the new arrival.]

... Kurotsuchi Nemu.

Come with me. [He moved forward, but she didn't move. He turned toward her again, his smile never faltering.] We're here to help you. [His eyes shifted toward her badge, realizing what it was.] Why don't we turn this off okay?

Where is May---

[The feed abruptly ends.]

c: sunny gurlukovich-emmerich, !: kurotsuchi nemu, c: ishida uryuu, †: kurotsuchi mayuri, c: toushirou hitsugaya

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