
May 17, 2011 00:20

Alright so...[Great. Not even two words and he's already not sure how to proceed. Public speaking wasn't his thing.]

Some of you might remember me from the Core malfunction, I was the guy keeping powers from going even more haywire then they already were. I've done some thinking, and I figure a newcomer Void could be a pretty useful thing to have...if it's the sort of thing people would use. I want to go into business for myself, offering my 'services' instead of needing to hire one of SERO's vat boys.

Thing is I don't know anything about business in this day and age, so I'm wondering if there's someone who could help me get set up.

[Private to Jubilee]
Do you have a minute? I need to tell you something.

[Private to Rochelle]
Are you busy later? There's something I've been meaning to tell you.

!: garrus vakarian, c: zoey, c: jubilee, c: rochelle

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