news feed; Monday, May 16th, 2011

May 16, 2011 03:27

Monday; May 16, 2011

Weather Mostly cloudy with showers likely. A strong breeze throughout the day. High of 11°C and a low of 6°C (52°F/43°F)

Current Moon Phase: Full Moon

Morning sirens will go off at 5:31 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:46 pm.

-Assassination Attempts Rampant at AGI-sponsored Ren Fair

A contemptuous article by a particularly acid-penned SERO affiliate reporter condemns terrible security and political conspiracy at this weekend's Renaissance Festival.

The City Governor Redgrave made one of his few public appearances in months this weekend, joining the festival's cast of players as The King of Siren's Port. His public approval rating has been staunchly divided across corporate lines since last month, when he allowed SERO's research teams access to closely monitor the Core's activity on site.

The reporter goes on to speculate that AGI, corporate sponsor of the festival, invited Redgrave into this role to provide the opportunity to make public ridicule and mockery of his office. Protesting festival-goers jeered and booed at his feast toast on Friday night, again during his opening of the Jousting tournament on Saturday, and on Sunday when a jester coaxed him into participating in a photo opportunity in the stocks for an hour.

Posters of Redgrave in this humiliating position, wearing a lopsided crown, have already begun appearing on AGI's corporate propaganda, released in a viral NetVice image file earlier this morning.

Even more nefarious, there were more than three recorded attempts on Governor Redgrave's life this weekend, kept hushed by festival security as well as Redgrave's own personal bodyguards. One involved a close shave of a "stray" shot during an archery competition, another a toxin-laced goblet of wine, kept from the governor's lips only by an unfortunate reinactor who stepped in at the last moment to play cup-bearer to the king. The man was subsequently poisoned, aided by on-site healers dressed as wizards, and rushed to the ER, currently being treated at Siren's Port General Hospital.

It seems that 'accidents' and near-death experiences followed Redgrave wherever he went throughout the weekend, even after Friday the 13th had passed. Rumors are spreading that Redgrave's bodyguards are growing increasingly lax, possibly bought off by AGI, and that it's only a matter of time until an assassination attempt succeeds. AGI's corporate offices continues to formally demand Redgrave's immediate resignation, unable to accept changes which are beneficial to the city's future.

Other News:

- A short article states that an unidentified man was found with his hands and feet blasted off, and a massive crater blasted into his head -- gotta love those futuristic blaster rifles. The man's NV and cash were stolen, and all other forms of identification were blasted to bits as well.

- The S.S. Kahve is holding a poetry slam! On Saturday, May 21, the writers of Siren's Port are invited to share their poetry and literary writing from 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. Admission to the event, held in the Sector 3 coffee house, is free. All are welcome. For more information, contact Roxas.

- Combat Droid For Hire: Specifically programmed to take out darkness monsters, for a negotiable price. Contact @ NV: ####.

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