oo1 [video]

May 16, 2011 00:08

[The NV flickers to life with a small amount of static before it clears up to display a dark figure peering down into the lens. His face is obscured by a heavy black hood so any 'emotions' are pretty difficult to determine until he finally decides to speak.]So, uh... I dunno if this thing is working or not but I guess I'm a newbie or something ( Read more... )

c: sora, c: xion, c: xigbar, !: demyx, c: roxas, c: goofy, c: france

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reaction; 1/2 madannoshashu May 16 2011, 05:17:17 UTC
[ Ohay, a familiar voice. ]


audio; madannoshashu May 16 2011, 05:20:45 UTC
[ Might as well say hello. ]

I was wondering when the Core would spit you out.


audio; ninthserenade May 16 2011, 05:23:28 UTC
[Welp, talk about a sound for sore-ears.]



audio; madannoshashu May 16 2011, 05:25:19 UTC
[ He has such dulcet tones, it's true. ]

The one and only!

What's happenin', kid?


audio; ninthserenade May 16 2011, 05:34:08 UTC
[Tis a voice that will haunt you forever.]

Man, I shouldn't feel so glad to hear a familiar voice.

You tell me, dude. I just 'finished' a mission and then the next thing I knew, bam. Face down in the dirt with a mouth full of dead grass.


audio; madannoshashu May 16 2011, 06:04:26 UTC
[ In the best possible way. ]

You 'finished' it, huh?

[ Those quotation marks. He hears them. ]

Well, if you wanna get technical, I guess you could say we've been kidnapped. Not the politest way of doing things, but what can ya do?


audio; ninthserenade May 16 2011, 06:13:12 UTC
I kept telling you guys that I wasn't the right guy.

[He knew those ears were pointed for a reason!]

Yeah, but... How the heck do you kidnap someone who isn't even well... Existing to be kidnapped?


audio; madannoshashu May 16 2011, 07:05:34 UTC
Them's the breaks, kid. Orders are orders.

[ Could totally be Legolas if he wanted to. ]

You know, that is an excellent question.

Would you believe dead people show up alive here all the time?

[ Okay, he's exaggerating, but the point remains! ]


audio; ninthserenade May 16 2011, 07:13:55 UTC
Lousy orders. Couldn't you guys've sent... I dunno, X-face?

[Watch out that you don't wake up as a blond, old man.]

Not really, dude.


audio; madannoshashu May 16 2011, 14:16:04 UTC
Little boy blue? He's as engaging as an old sac of meat.

[ He has eyes in the back of his head. You shall never succeeded. ]

Would I steer you wrong?

[ Hahaha. Ha. ]


audio; ninthserenade May 16 2011, 19:22:23 UTC
He still would've done a better job.

[Not even if he persuaded a certain someone to take those eyes out too? Dang.]

There's a fifty-fifty chance, old man.


audio; madannoshashu May 17 2011, 02:32:30 UTC
I dunno, Demyx. I hear constipation is killer in a fight.

[ He's just too cool for school. ]

What're the odds?


audio; ninthserenade May 17 2011, 03:04:07 UTC
What does X-face have to do with that? Sheesh, first guy I talk to here and you bring up bowel movements.

[Bet he must've been popular with the principals in his day.]

You tell me.


audio; madannoshashu May 17 2011, 03:10:45 UTC
Dude, one look at his face and you can just tell it's a problem.

[ He graced the seats in the administrators' office many times in his youth. It was an experience. ]

I was always better at show and tell.


audio; ninthserenade May 17 2011, 03:36:10 UTC
If I get disgusting images in my head I'm blaming you, dude.


What, gonna gimme a tour of this place or somethin'?


audio; madannoshashu May 18 2011, 02:47:59 UTC
Not my fault you can't keep a leash on that imagination.

[ Especially with the ladies. ]

Got something better to do?


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