[011 / Video] | 013 [video]

May 15, 2011 19:02

[The feed clicks on to a triumphant Maya bending over it, grinning widely. She leans back to reveal a whip in her left hand, (even though she's right-handed) and waves it smugly at the camera]

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You all doubted me! You laughed when I was asking for tips! You said I couldn't be intimidating! Well, I've got two words for you, Siren's Port!

[CRACK! The whip smacks the table!]


[Franziska, on the other hand, doesn't seem too pleased] Maya Fey, do cease with this foolery. Despite the progress you've made thus far, you still have quite a ways to go.

Not now, Franziska, I’m gloating! [She turns back to the camera]

So, Siren’s Port! How does it feel to be truly intimidated? To be standing in sheer awe of my whipping progress, stunned into silence? To stare in awe upon this awesome and intimidating sight, like which you've never seen before?!

You were all foolishly foolish fools to have foolishly doubted-

[Franziska cuts Maya off.] What did I tell you about overusing that word?

[The whip is suddenly snatched out of Maya's hand by said ex-prosecutor]

Ah, h-hold it, I wasn’t-

[The whip now in her hands once more, Franziska huffs in Maya's direction.] As I said, you still have a long way to go. But more importantly -- [Without any prior warning, she lashes out at the table. CRACK!] Three. [Another lash. CRACK!] Times. [A third lash. CRACK!] Maximum.


[And that would be the sound of said startled little spirit medium screaming and crashing to the ground]

[… Totally intimidating.]

[OOC: Purple is Maya, Blue is Franziska. Have fun! ♥]

c: yako katsuragi, c: magneto, c: allen walker, c: phoenix wright, c: miles edgeworth, †: yosuke hanamura, c: heiwajima shizuo, c: veser amaker hatch, c: larry butz, c: replica riku, c: re-l mayer, !: maya fey, !: franziska von karma, c: toushirou hitsugaya, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck

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