[Max's appearance does make Kazuma pause for a moment, but ... he lives with a talking pony and a werewolf. It's not like anything really phases him anymore.]
... a waterfall? Uhm... sorry, he might not be here...
[well he'd never seen humans before turning up on the baseball diamond, so he pauses as well before running a hand through the hair at the top of his head.]
That's what the lady and those scientist guys said. I thought it couldn't hurt to ask.
[Yeah, please to not be freaking out the newbie, Kazu.]
Can't be any worse than facing off against Big Foot. [Trying to make a joke about the situation. Not that they really...faced off. More like ran to the car and hid.]
Oh he's real all right. Hairy as anything, foams at the mouth. Kinda smart too. Had dad and I sleeping in the car that night because dad's keys were in our stuff.
There's this girl I like, Roxanne. Usually she wouldn't even look my way, much less go out with me. End of freshman year, I decided I was gonna make an effort to stand out...so I hijacked the end of year school assembly, dressed up like this really cool singer and did the dance to one of his videos.
... a waterfall? Uhm... sorry, he might not be here...
That's what the lady and those scientist guys said. I thought it couldn't hurt to ask.
Yeah, it's still worth asking... some people have friends or family here. I'm not one of them, though. Not that I'd want my family here...
Is that whole...monsters thing true?
Yeah. It is. I've gone a few rounds with them. It's not fun.
[Going to kindly leave out that he was also murdered by an insane man and brought back to life later. Best to not freak Max out too much.]
Can't be any worse than facing off against Big Foot. [Trying to make a joke about the situation. Not that they really...faced off. More like ran to the car and hid.]
... Big Foot?
Yeah, Big Foot. Y'know; tall, hairy, looks like an oversized monkey?
Camping trip from hell, sounds like.
Sounds like my family. They were always dragging me out of the house to go 'do stuff together'. Like I didn't see them enough at home.
[rolls eyes]
[he can be a good listener. When he wants to be.]
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