[Video] May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011 20:56

[The webcam on Brooke's laptop comes into focus and a skeleton with an Afro can be seen fiddling with the keys as he sits in the center of the baseball diamond.  He has an unsheathed cane sword on his lap that seems to have seen some action this evening.  Upon noticing that his webcam is working again Brooke straightens his bow-tie and beams at the camera.]

Yohohoho!  Good evening people of Siren's Port!  To those of you who don't know me, my name is Brooke, and if you are a young lady, might I have a word with you about something rather personal? For those of you who do know me, I'M BAAAAACK!!! YOHOHOHOHO!!! You never think you'll miss an apocalyptic nightmare like Siren's Port, but it's sure nice to see some familiar faces again with my own eyes. But wait I don't have any eyes! Yohohoho! That never get's old. To commemorate the joyous occasion of my return, I have written a brand new song!  Well actually, it was because I had found myself back home only to be kidnapped by bandits who trapped me in a cage with nothing better to do than to write songs.  So you could say I had a lot of time to kill, which brings me to my song~  Yohohoho!!!
Time has never been on my side,
It hates me through and through,
And this is my tale about how time died,
Believe me or not, but it's true.

I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to do,
I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to say,
I had time to kill, much like a beast to slay,
Because time, really needed to die!

Without time is the world so different?
Without time is the world so wrong?
I killed time with my bare hands,
But without time, I don't know how long,

How long it will take till I know love,
How long it will take for vengeance from above,
What kind of crime is it is to kill time?
Without time is there no reason or rhyme?

I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to do,
I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to say,
I had time to kill, much like a beast to slay,
Because time, really needed to die!

There was nothing that was going on,
There was nothing for me do,
Time was simply sitting there,
So I knew what I had to do,

I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to do,
I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to say,
I had time to kill, much like a beast to slay,
Because time, really needed to die!

Time tried to fight me,
But it was too weak,
Time always fought dirty,
It would never let me speak,
But with my last strength I killed time,
And now I don't know the day of the week.

I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to do,
I had time to kill, there wasn't much else to say,
I had time to kill, much like a beast to slay,
Because time, really needed to die! Die! DIIIIEEE!!!   YOHOHOHOHOOOOO!!!!!

How many of you have died?  How many of you are still here?  How many of you mysteriously found your way home?  And how many of you have found themselves trapped here since I was last here?  What has become of my musical store?   Do yaks actually yodel?  I have so many questions for all of you, it feels like it has been years!  Although given my record of being able to keep track of time, it may well have been!  I'm back even though I don't know how, and I don't really have much of a back because I'm a skeleton.  YOHOHOHOHO!!!

c: nami, c: rochelle, †: kurotsuchi mayuri, c: vivi nefertari, c: sunako nakahara, !: brooke, c: roronoa zoro, c: portgas d. ace, c: sander cohen, c: laughing beauty

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