news feed; Saturday, May 7th, 2011

May 07, 2011 07:02

Saturday; May 7, 2011

Weather Cloudy with showers. High of 12°C and a low of 7°C (54°F/46°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Morning sirens will go off at 5:44 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:34 pm.

Other News:

- FOR SALE:'84 Vespa scooter w/ sidecar, olive green. Runs great, re-wired last year, tires have a lot of life left in them. Great for a local commute! Cash only, $1600

- There is a short but highly controversial piece about a leak from the police department. Apparently earlier in the week there was a break in at one of the precincts and some information was taken. Though the informant wasn't entirely sure what information was accessed, it was apparently covered up fairly well and there is talk of security issues within the SPPD. Because of the clearly leaked information, no one at the department was sought for comment before the piece's release. Those who track the news carefully will also notice the reporter who wrote said article has only written one or two things so far and probably released it in the first place as something of a chance at a 'big break', and the article holds that same sort of reckless enthusiasm.

- Christopher Adler, famed architect has designed an upside down house, due to his ability to manipulate fields of gravity. He has designed the house for himself and his family, but until the end of the construction he will be allowing for tours through the Science museum (exact dates to be given later) as he wishes to share the creation with the community. His wife reportedly had to ask for a design that included an 'homage to Escher stairs' to be scrapped as it would be potentially dangerous to live in.

-Yesterday near the Stanford stop, Conductor James Ellis stopped the train when a brawl broke out in one of the cars. It was seems that the dispute was over AGI versus SERO, and the fight nearly escalated to the point of injuring commuters in the car. Ellis got over the PA system and dressed down the fighters for fifteen minutes. Amazingly, the forty eight year old father of six managed to get all fourteen of the them to sit down and they reportedly acted like 'scolded school children' according to one person on the car. At the next stop the SPPD pulled them off the car and arrested them. Four of the fighters were treated for minor injuries.

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