014 | video | backdated to the daytime of May 2nd

May 03, 2011 00:48

[With her phone positioned on her bed, the video feed starts with a rather dynamic worm's eye view of Sarina zipping up her plug suit. Don't get too excited though; the zipper was only far enough down to expose the neck and collarbone. Not quite realizing that her position was a bit out of the NV's viewpoint, anyone watching will notice that the video awkwardly cropped the picture off at the very top of her nose, not that she realized this.]

Hee! When I was walking home today, I saw so many people skittering about like -- [A small smile crossed her lips as she thought of a proper simile.] -- like little insects! Eeheeheehee! It was so funny! I even saw some people ducking under backpacks, just to avoid getting wet!

[Finally, she sat down, with a shrug. Because of her changed position, the viewer is now able to see her full face. As one might gather from her words, Sarina's hair was wet, with the longer parts clinging to her skin.]

No harm in a little rain, right? Teehee! Even if it is annoying if it gets inside of your suit...

[Though she seemed in good spirits up until that point, her smile waned a little, when she thought about the real point of this post.]

But - ah, how has everyone been? [Head tilt.] Faring well? [Her lips tightened, as her brows furrowed in concern.] The companies haven't been hassling you all too much, have they? [She tilted her head to another angle erratically, her eyes widening fearfully.] Especially you newcomers! How has SERO been treating you?!

[Her left hand balled into a fist, from her increasing paranoia, gripping a lump of her comforter. She must have realized how she was coming across, though, as she quickly relaxed, covering everything with a lopsided smirk.]

As for me? I guess I've been trying to stay out of trouble, haha!

[She wrinkled her brow playfully, meaning for it to come off as a joke. Whether it actually was one, was anyone's guess.]

I've been looking into new things -- ahahaha -- to - uh - keep me entertained as I bide my time for my real purpose. I just sent a picture in for that foot modeling thing a couple of days ago -- eheh -- and maybe I'll even look into that free college course thing. Just to see what it's like.

[a pause.] I should probably get going, but everyone let me know how they're doing, okay? Even if we've never spoken before.

[smirk.] I always do like meeting new people.

c: asano rin, c: solid snake, c: suou tamaki, c: griffin o'conner, c: raul creed, !: laughing beauty, c: ash, c: rochelle, c: miles edgeworth, c: son gohan, c: ella, c: hellmaster phibrizzo

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