Who: New November Arrivals, Greeters, & anyone else who happens to be hanging around the Tower Apartments to greet newcomers.
When: Month of November (Please Specify Date & Time in Thread Header)
Where: The Sector 4 Baseball Diamond, Parking Lot & Lobby of the Tower Apartments
Summary: This is your catch-all one stop log for arrival interactions!
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As the dizziness faded, recognition hit Balthazar like a two-ton weight. He realized why dread clung to the pit of his stomach and was also provided with a potential explanation as to why this place, whatever it was, seemed so inherently wrong. His "angel radio," as it was colloquially called, was crackling like he hadn’t known it to in eons. He could feel the presence of his dear and recently deceased brother Gabriel. Any other time he would be overjoyed, but angels don’t come back from the dead. Certainly not if Lucifer was the one to kill you. Speaking of, Gabriel wasn’t even the scariest issue. That spot would be shared by the aforementioned ruler of Hell and Michael, arguably the last ruler of Heaven. His oldest brothers who wanted to end the world (and much more importantly, him) both could be sensed in a very close proximity. The second glance he gave to his surroundings, old and overrun and worn down, started to look like they had been through the beginnings of an apocalypse. An alternate reality? He didn’t want to stick around to find out. If he could feel his brothers, then could most certainly feel him. He spread his wings and took to the sky, gone in an instant.
Balthazar didn’t make it far at all when the Pull got him. Something wrapped around his core (his core, his Grace, nothing to do with the meat suit) and yanked impossibly hard. Bal landed back in the outfield, stumbling and just as disoriented as before, and the street lamps within a few feet surged and burst. There would be no leaving. There would be no fighting either. All of the weapons he had were currently in Castiel’s possession. "… Oh Dad, I’m screwed."
Okay, so it was fourscore and two months ago that Gabriel felt the presence of a new angel drilling on his radio like the sudden buzz of AM static on a poorly set alarm clock. It was jarring, to be honest, but not so jarring that he didn't even bother to think when he departed the hospital for the baseball diamond after sussing out which angel was responsible for the wake-up call.
Balthazar. A little on the obscurer side of angeldom, but no less one of the junior angels he could stand... Not that it took much to be more tolerable than Zachariah... And Uriel.
Gabriel may have lost something of a spring in his step since the accident, but his swagger was still there. That was the thing about archangels. You might have a vessel that was shorter than average and look like an overweight car salesman, but when you walked into the room, the other angels damn well looked.
"This is really becoming a thing now, huh?" What this was would... Have to be explained when Balthazar got over his shock. He waved off all potential protests and demands and went on. "C'mon. Let's hear the Hosannas and the 'I'm-not-worthys' and the 'gee, Gabriel, I thought you were deads.'"
It had been a very, very long time since he had seen the archangel. There was no difference, so far as Balthazar could notice, nor was it a trick. One just doesn't fake being an archangel. It was really him. The second he opened his mouth confirmed it beyond any shadow of a doubt. Yeah, that brand of confidence and sarcasm was all him.
"Hosannas? You really have been gone for too long." Heaven hadn't been a place of rejoicing in ages, it felt like. Even with the flippant greeting, when Balthazar nodded his head at Gabriel as a hello, it read like he was deferring to the elder. "And this thing would be...?"
Because as nice as it is to see Gabriel, Balthazar is really keen on checking that he hadn't died at some point in the night without knowing it.
Another pause and then, "And you're not dead... I mean, probably not. Given the outfit, I'm assuming the rumors I heard about you getting ganked were kinda exaggerated, hm?"
Then again, none of this had been part of his plan. For a moment, he crossed his arms nervously over his chest. It never led to anything good, his death being called out. But then he looked his older brother over, realizing the whole situation to be pot and kettle. "You're one to talk, Gabriel. If I'm not dead, that means you're not either. Not that I'm not pleased to see you, but surely you'll notice the irony."
Gabriel mimicked his younger brother's pose and leaned forward. "Oh, I'm dead, all right. I think I've faked it enough to know when it's legit."
He tilts his head to look down at Gabriel, although it doesn't really feel like he's doing it. Vessel wise, Balthazar has a few inches over the archangel. But in reality, Gabriel absolutely towered over the younger angel. "Well as you figured out, I'm not. I had been right in the middle of a lovely bottle of wine when I showed up here." Not to mention contemplating betraying his best friend so the fool wouldn't kill himself. But you wouldn't find Balthazar mentioning that tidbit anytime soon. "So, any reason why we've been transplanted to the Great White North and in some cases, resurrected and sprung free from cages which really shouldn't have been sprung?"
Gabriel's concern with image faded the minute he stopped playing up the act and just shrugged, "No clue. Everyone's got an idea about the how- not so big on the why. You oughta be used to that by now." He patted Balthazar on the arm in a vaguely condescending way.
Yeah, angels hadn't really had any big WHY revelations since before God departed for greener pastures. Siren's Port was no different.
In an instant Michael is there, hanging out in John's body with his hands inside the green jacket pockets. His expression was stern as if he'd just caught his kid reaching into the cookie jar when he'd been told he couldn't have any sweets. Things were different here, Michael would admit that - no war or fighting - but that didn't mean he didn't want answers about Balthazar's apparent Houdini act.
"Brother." A single word but there was so much in it. His disapproval, his anger, his curiosity and so much more.
It was a really sad attempt at trying to appear pleased.
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