Who: Mad-Eye Moody and you!
When: October 21st-24th; pick a time
Where: Sector 3, by the library, or Sector 2, by the police station there
Summary: Meet a paranoid old cranky wizard scouting things out in his version of recon.
Warnings: None yet.
sweet heaven keep me in temper )
However, she could concede that books were an acceptable place to start, so she had started to frequent the library even more often than she had in the school days -- not that such an increase had been terribly difficult to achieve.
She enjoyed watching people as she made her way through the library, wondering who they were, what experiences and secrets in life -- in this city, or perhaps in a different world -- they were hiding behind their eyes. You could never be completely sure with people. She liked it that way.
This afternoon, she found herself fascinated by the man sitting in the corner, wearing the bowler hat. Perhaps if it was lime green, it would even be reminiscent of Cornelius Fudge's.
Should she walk over to him to get a closer look? She decided that she should, so she did.
If they were actually approaching, it was usually cause to pull out his wand and then also switch locations in the library. One didn't want to just destroy books, especially not ones that might be cursed.
On this occasion, though, he recognized the person approaching. The Lovegood girl. And they called him mad. (Though they called her mad too.) So while seeming to still be scanning his book, he watched her carefully as she approached. When she was within earshot, and no one else was, he grunted a short, "Evening."
While there was still a small smile on her face, she approached him a little more cautiously, her fingers moving to where she'd been storing her wand behind her ear for safekeeping. “Good evening. Can I be sure that you're really Professor Moody?” Well, she supposed that he wasn't a Hogwarts professor any longer (or had he ever been in the first place? She couldn't remember all the details), but that didn't really matter. What was in a name, anyway?
"Not very subtle, Lovegood, but it works," he said. "Here's one thing. I never really got around to much teaching, now, so you can drop the Professor if you like."
He paused again. "And kindly put your wand somewhere it won't blast your brains out if it ignites."
Her question elicits a full glance, though -- with both eyes. "Most people call me Mad-Eye. I'm sure you've heard it. And you all've grown enough to fight You-Know-Who, it's enough to be of age, as far as I'm concerned. Name's not important, anyway."
With that resolution, she hoisted herself up on the table, sitting on its edge and swinging her legs as she continued to speak. "Well, I'm not actually seventeen yet, but that might just be because the months are different here."
He eyes her unusual posture with some stoniness, but doesn't object to it. "Close enough," he growls. "As far as I'm concerned." He tries to recall for timeline purposes what year she was in when he--died--but he hadn't quite paid that much attention.
"Seen any other wizards you know here?" Of course, he's seen most of them himself, but it never hurts to ask.
He nodded. "Yeah, I saw the Malfoy boy and Black too," he said. "Others could be foreign wizards. But most of them don't fit with anyone I know, and I'd say I know most of the ones I should." He paused for another glance at her, this time picking up on that slight tension.
"Still. Malfoy's a bad one," he added abruptly, thinking of Dumbledore.
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