Seamstress continued: Ms Purple Pearl

Jul 19, 2007 09:23

In between yesterday's naps I was emailing mspurplepearl about clothing ideas.
Her schedule is opening up in mid September so we have plenty of time to plot world domination one piece of custom made clothing at time. [cue maniacal laughter]
Emails were flying back and forth between us and the excitement was infectious. This woman was in my brain I swear. I'd send her pictures and she showed me some patterns that were spot on with what I wanted. She was educating me about ready made versus custom clothing and what to look out for.
As we go along I'll get to clean out my closet and rid myself of the half azzed, hit and miss clothing that I have. This is a happy thing. The goal is to end up with perhaps a smaller amount of things, but loving everything in my closet because it fits properly.
Yes, there will be donations and clothing exchanges in my future.
As Anitra would say: TIGGER BOUNCE!


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