Seeking Werewolves

Apr 26, 2009 13:41

Everyone knows that I'm not a fan of the werewolves, but they do serve a purpose when it comes to moving plot along. With that in mind, we need some werewolves in the equinoxrpg roleplay. We have all of the Cullens and some humans, but almost all of the werewolves are open. I think the only werewolf that's taken is Embry. We really need a Jacob. We're playing during the Twilight time, and it's about time for the visit to La Push beach. So if I have anyone on my friends list that's interested, you can check out the details here. There's also some non-werewolf characters left for friends that, like me, shudder at the thought of playing a werewolf.

role play, twilight

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