Fighting over who gets to top? OT5 Gone Wrong...XD

Feb 21, 2009 04:45

Nah, it's not Friends Only, still open...just thought the pic was win. XD
Credit to: freezextheframe

Apparently, this pic was taken during the song "Wrong Number" at their concert. I mean, we all get a little irritated at telemarketers, but damn, no need to go this far!
And Yunho, please work on your reaction time. I know now not to bring you to a gunfight, as you will be the first one to get shot in the ass. Shit, if I get into a gunfight, I'm betting on Corner Boy, he at least looks like he knows what he's doing.
This concert looks like epic win, can't wait until it hits DVD.

hilarity ensuing, guys in suits, asian hotness, tvxq, k-pop, mai btchs; let me show u them, fangirling, yunho, epic fail

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