Class Act!

Dec 09, 2010 15:15

So Chase's first birthday party was on Nov. 14!
Speaking of Chase, he was over here the day before yesterday, and he was sooo excited about Audrey. I can't say Audrey was too excited, more like freaked out. We're a very quiet family in a very quiet house, so she's not used to a whole lot of hoopla. Well, he's only a year old, and he doesn't know anything about "inside voices" yet. So every time she moved, he was shrieking and babbling excitedly to her. Then he found her ball, and he kept saying "BALL! BALL!" while trying to throw it to her. It was the cutest thing.

Oh, back to the party. It was great~mostly. Ok, so there were invitations sent out asking everyone to RSVP. We don't normally send invitations for our functions, but we do call and tell if we're going to show up or be like, "Hey Auntie, I'm bringing a friend, cook up a little extra." This is so that everyone is provided for and has a good time.

Chase's mom (my cousin Ashlie) lives in a very tiny apartment with her mother. Which is perfect for them, and it has just enough room for them to entertain a few friends/family members. But Chase's dad's side of the family showed up, a bunch of them, with like a hundred kids, without RSVP-ing, and NONE of them bothered to bring a gift for the child. So when we arrived, the little apartment was packed to the brim with people. All of Chase's dad's people situated themselves on one side of the apartment, separate from the rest of us. I tried to go around to take pictures of the guests, and the majority of them declined. When it was time to eat, they all dug in, and my aunt did her best to make sure everyone got something to eat, even though there wasn't much to go around, because she didn't know that many people would be showing up. They stayed long enough to sing Happy Birthday to him and grab some cake and ice cream. Then they left, without even seeing him open his gifts. D: So classy...

babies, birthday

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