I have the mega-flu and I'm on my period, so if you're wondering why this isn't a coherent entry...yeah. So sorry. XD
I just went back and listened to Taebin's album and I've realized how much k-pop has changed.
I should be bringing my kitty home this thursday, since it's the only time I'll be able to do so. I'm off Thurs/Fri, and that's when my dad works, so I'll be able to get her in here early Thursday morning, and just have her chillin' in here with me when he gets home. I want to see how long I can have her in here before he notices. That way, when he tries to lie about being allergic to cats (bitch please), I can be like, "She's been here all week. D:< Your argument is invalid." But mom has proof that whoever was here with him before the two of us moved in had a cat, because there was cat shampoo and a thing of kitty litter. So he's not allergic, he just hates me. And small animals. And...animals in general. And all people. And everything that isn't food. :|
My thoughts on the whole Homin as DBSK issue, copypasted from another comment:
"I...am so conflicted.
I don't think it's fair that SME threw a bitchfit when JYJ accepted an award last year at the MAMA's on DBSK's behalf, saying, "OH, it's only just three of them, how can they represent TVXQ!?" But then turn around and say it's ok for Homin.
But at the same time, the five of them have put so much work and effort into that name, they have each earned the right that name with their sweat and tears. I feel like whether they are together or individual, they are TVXQ. From now on, for the rest of their lives, they will be forever connected to that name. You can't mention just one of them without thinking "from TVXQ".
Not sure if I'm making sense here, 'cause I have the flu XD.
Either way, I know I'mma buy it when/if it comes out so whatever~ and I'm buying JYJ's album too."
Oh, but at least I know how I got sick.
We went over this past weekend to pick up my cousins Khelsie (14) and Nick (12?) for the Light the Night Walk, and their younger brother Noah (2) was there, along with Chase WHO IS NOW WALKING LIKE A BOSS AT 11 MONTHS OLD. So proud of my bb~! Anyway, I came in to greet everyone and Noah came up to me. So I said, "Gimme a kiss!" And he did. Then he smeared his nose across my cheek and left a line of snot. D: I've been around children all my life and already know that they are nasty, disease-ridden little creatures, but I was not prepared for anything that gross. D:
Also found out that Chase doesn't like crowds/being crowded, even if it's a crowd of people he knows. We all came in at the same time, and he was fine, then he realized how many people were bunched into the kitchen and he started crying. So he cried and ran up to Noah, who is only two and not much bigger, and Noah's just like..."O__o? I can't pick you up dude!"
Chase's first birthday is next month, and I bought him the cutest book. Makes me cry a little bit, but I wonder if it's just a period thing. It's called "Puppy Too Small", and it's about this puppy who is too small to do certain things, but then someone will come along and say, "But you're the perfect size for doing this!" And it makes me cry a little because humans are the same way. We get so down on ourselves, thinking we're worthless and useless, and worry about all the things we can't do, instead of focusing on the things we can do.
XD It's a baby book, clearly I am putting too much thought into it.
Another thing that made me cry lately was reading the lyrics to 4Men's "I Can't" which is just an absolutely beautiful song. They could sing mournfully about beans and I'd tear up.
Also, OKCAT! What have they done to you!? T__T I don't even know how to feel about Taecyeon's hair. On the one hand, he's handsome enough that it might not matter, but on the other hand it's just plain hideous. That's what they made hats for, right? ;D