LOL~ Obviously it ain't over...

Nov 02, 2009 07:23

Of course I'm naturally inclined to believe that SME are just being butthurt asswipes. I mean, it's not like this hasn't happened before.
If SME was so nice and wonderful, Shinhwa would still be with them, wouldn't they? Yet they hauled ass at the first conceiveable opportunity.
I wasn't around to witness what happened to H.O.T., but if SME was so kind and benevolent as I'm supposed to believe, wouldn't they still be together? Fly to the Sky left as well. Now if all of their artists head for the door as soon as they possibly can, what should I believe? The only reason more haven't left is because they probably can't.

If you'd treat your artists right, they will renew their contracts, and there'll be no need for one with 13 years.

I'm not trying to take sides, I'm just saying, they don't have a good track record.

LOL, and of course SHINee would say "SM is a big family, we love them they love us, we have some creative freedom on our album, all the bad stuff isn't true, rainbows and unicorns, etc." What else would you expect them to say?  You don't agree, you don't eat, lol. SM is your meal ticket, of course you wouldn't say anything against them. And plus, you're still early to the game, just wait until shit gets real.

The albums are released under our name and thus it is our music. 
No, boo-boo. Your name is on it, SM owns the rights. Even if you left now, you get no royalties. There was an article about this a few days ago. XD

SME listens to the artists' opinions and everyone is close, unlike other entertainment companies.
Just because they listen, doesn't mean they give a shit. I see this concept at work every time I have to deal with my stepfather. XD Every time he opens his mouth I stop giving a fuck.

SME gives us a lot of say and freedom. Even during our album preparations, they ask us for our opinions.
LOL, just because they let Jong write the lyrics for Juliette, does not mean you have artistic freedom. And you really, truly want me to believe that you willingly  went into those skinny jeans (IDK, maybe Key...)? Those jeans squeezed your balls so tight, you probably can't ever have kids.

And I'm still miffed that the whole I'M ONLY GETTING 4 HOURS OF SLEEP A DAY issue is being completely overlooked, by both parties it seems. DX

But I'm not freaking out. It's not over until the fat lady sings Chun puts his pimp hand down. Then I'll decide if we need to panic. When you see an entry that says, "OH SHIT! PANIC, PANIC NOW!", you'll know the time has come.

ohnobadwords-children look away!, omgwtfbbqandchips, epic fail

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