May 02, 2012 07:04

Title: Dallas Revisited - Part 2
Author: sirenanne999
Rating: PG13 (some swearing)
Summary: Luke travels to Dallas and makes a discovery.
Disclaimer: Characters owned by ATWT, CBS, and P&G. Only wish they were mine.
Author's Notes: First, thank you so much everybody for reading and leaving lovely comments on Part 1. I really really appreciate it! Also, lots of hugs and kisses to lucsmum for being my beta, you rock! :D

If you missed the first part, read here: DALLAS REVISITED - PART 1


He was gone…with him. With him! I don’t remember how long I stood there. In the middle of the fucking dance floor. I looked around, hoping that I didn’t look like my whole world had just crashed and burned around me. No such luck. I drew a few pitying glances and some annoyed looks…yeah…try having the one you love leave with someone else. What did I really expect? That he’ll see the error of his ways and come running back to me?

I can’t do this. I looked at my watch, relieved that it was not yet midnight. Maybe I can change my plans and leave tonight. Yes…that’s what I’ll do. I searched for my hosts and offered my apologies. I can’t stay…not anymore. Satisfied with my plans, I looked for the nearest restroom. Maybe I can hide in there for a few more minutes. I don’t want to risk running into them…especially Richard. Dick. Yeah…that’s what I’ll call him.

I’m so tired. This whole day didn’t turn out as I expected. I glanced at my reflection in the restroom mirror, not surprised that I looked sick and about ready to collapse. I can’t go back to the hotel…see them together…know what they’re doing together. I squeezed my eyes shut, and held my mouth. I can feel it…bile slowly rising up my throat. I quickly went into one of the stalls and vomited. Oh God…I don’t want to be sick! I feel a little feverish and my hands are shaking but I have to do it now. I struggled to grab my phone and dialed Grandmother’s pilot.

“Hello Reginald. Hello? Hello? There’s been a change of plans. Change of plans!”

I shouted into the phone. Dammit! He can’t hear me. I hung up and started to dial again when the main restroom door opened and someone walked in. Great! Now I’m going to have to wait. That’s ok I guess…I need to calm the heck down. I held my head and tried to massage my temple, hoping it will calm the storm that’s brewing in there. I heard the faucet running and hoped that this guy will leave soon.


His shout echoed loudly around the room. Join the club mister…it has been a pretty shitty night. A minute passed and he hasn’t moved. Quietly, I tried to peek to see who it was and why is he taking so long. The gap was too small and I couldn’t see a thing. Suddenly the door slammed and I groaned inwardly. Not another one! Damn…when is this night going to end?

“Reid? Are you in here?” Oh my God…

“I’ll be out in a minute Richard. I’ll meet you outside.” I released the breath I was holding. Please leave. Please leave. Please leave.

“Well…since we’re here. Are you going to tell me about him?”


Dick snickered and walked further into the restroom. I heard his footsteps halt right in front of my door.

“Oh please…like I didn’t notice how he looked at you…and how you looked at him.”

“And how was that exactly?”

I can’t believe they’re having this conversation here…like they’re just talking about the weather or what they had for dinner. Against my will, I slowly tried to get closer. Please God don’t let them catch me.

“Like you just got your favorite sandwich and favorite cake all at once...with a donut on top. You asked him to dance. I practically had to drag you to the dance floor!”

“He’s from the past…a very brief flirtation…nothing more.” I bit my hand to keep from crying out. A fling. Nothing more. That’s what he said. A fling.

“It must’ve been something more! Did you see him? The kid looked like he was about to cry!” His laugh sounded foreign to my ears; it shredded the last ounce of sanity I had left. Reid didn’t respond.

“Well…he is kind of young. Does he know you like ---- or when I suck --- come so hard -----!” Thankfully the words were cutting in and out. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

I could hear each rustle of clothing, every muffled moan. They were practically whispering and yet I felt every word, every innuendo, and every caress hammer into my soul, destroying every particle, every molecule of my being.

“Richard that’s enough. We can’t do this here…c’mon we have to go.” I breathed a sigh of relief, a sort of reprieve from all this pain and suffering.

“Okay, spoilsport. By the way, you’re going to loooove the room I booked for us.” Oh no…please don’t tell me…Luxury Suite on the 8th floor.

“Do we really have to stay there? You know me and hotel rooms…whatever. I’m tired and I just want to go to bed.”

“Exactly my plan babe. It’s on the 8th floor….Luxury Suite!”

This is getting worse and worse. I cursed myself when I had a flash of desire that Reid remembered that room too.

“What? What’s with the face? We haven’t seen each other for what a year? I missed you. You left so abruptly and didn’t even tell me when you got back.”

My heart soared with renewed hope. They haven’t seen each other for a year! But that didn’t mean there wasn’t anyone else. The image of Reid kissing another pair of lips…sleeping with someone else…loving someone else. I can’t breathe. I feel as if giant mangled hands reached inside me and squeezed and sliced until there was nothing left. My skin crawled as if I was being eaten alive and all that was left was a raw bloody mess.

Am I really surprised? Reid was the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s rude, grumpy most of the time, and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about him. But he was mine. Was being the operative word.

“…..never slept with him.”

I froze, I lost track of their conversation. What are they saying now?

Dick’s booming laugh erupted into a fit of giggles. “You never got a piece of that? I don’t think so.”

“No really, he was hung up on his ex who was a complete douche bag.”

“But you never answered the question…was it something more?”

Silence. Was it something more Reid? It couldn’t have been just me. The months of hostility, I’d be a liar if I didn’t notice that being at each other’s throats excited me, made me feel like I was drowning in a sea of want.

“Fine…don’t answer me. Anyway, it’s winding down in there. Let’s go.”

And then they were gone. I breathed the hugest sigh of relief and waited a few seconds to make sure that the coast was clear. I slowly opened the door, relieved that I wasn’t discovered. Can you imagine if he knew that I knew that there WAS still a possibility, a miniscule one but still a possibility nonetheless that he still felt something for me. A flash of color on the floor drew my eyes. A black silk tie that hadn’t been there before. I picked it up, heard the door open and in one second I knew I was found out.

“I forgot my….Luke.”

“Reid. Ummm…it was on the floor.”

He looked straight at me. He knew that I had heard every single word. I gulped. What should I say? He walked towards me… his eyes unyielding in their perusal.

“Thank you.”

“Do you want me to put it on for you?”

I didn’t wait for an answer. Concentrating on my hands, I flipped his collar and my fingers brushed against his scruffy jaw. I looped the tie around his neck and pressed my hand slightly against his chest. His heart was beating so fast, matching my own. After I was done, I looked up and our eyes met. Sweet, soft pants caressed my face. His gentle hands rested against my sides.


The door slammed open ushering a few men inside. We jumped apart, suddenly aware of where we were. He paused for a moment and with a slight nod, turned around and walked out. I waited for my heart to slow down. Of course! Now I understand! It’s far from over. The man that was in here a moment ago could’ve had me and I’d have let him. He could’ve taken me and discarded me without looking back. But he didn’t.

Hope bloomed that even after all this time, I still had a chance. We still had a chance. I checked my phone to see if Reginald had called back. No calls. Good. I walked back in the ballroom where there were still a few people on the dance floor and I looked to see if Reid and Dick had left.

“Ladies and gentlemen…thank you so much for being here and we hope you all had a wonderful night!” An applause erupted as the live band prepared for their final song of the evening.

“Our last song of the night…Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Make it count people!”

They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
Oh, I of course replied
Something here inside cannot be denied

They said someday you'll find
All who love are blind
Oh, when your heart's on fire
You must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes

In between dancers gliding gracefully on the dance floor; I saw him. Our eyes found each other once again and maybe it was the light, but his eyes had softened…even a hint of smile danced around the edges of his perfect lips. Dick was rambling on next to him but he only had eyes for me. Just me. For the first time tonight I had hope...hope that our story was not yet over. It barely just begun.

So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my love
Yet today my love has flown away
I am without my love

Now laughing friends deride
Tears I cannot hide
Oh, so I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies

Smoke gets in your eyes
Smoke gets in your eyes

A/N 2: Another favorite song, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes always gets me a little schmoopy and sappy but can you just see Luke and Reid gazing at each other across a room while this song plays? Guh! :D

atwt, rating: pg-13, !author|artist: sirenanne999, luke/reid, fan fiction

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