Do the Birthday Dance!

Oct 08, 2009 08:52

Or not...

So last night I slipped into bed sans The Ripper. I started to drift off, when my mom came into the room and dropped him on my bed, like a forgotten package. He snuggled into the covers, and I didn't have the energy to do more than weakly mumble. Of course, I did not sleep through the whole of the night. This was all punctuated when I awoke from a dream where some chick at a restaurant tried to to stab me with her steak knife, and I gotta say, that was pretty uncool of her. So I told her to her face, and then she and her friends tried to catch me after the restaurant to do some damage, though that could be because I might've punched her after said stab attempt. Anyway, I digress.

Despite the tiredness, I took time to straighten my hair this morning in honor of my b-day. Though, I didn't get to do as thorough a job as I would've liked just because I didn't get up as early as planned. Still, I used the new flat iron my mom got me, and it's pretty darn awesome! It goes up to 450F degrees and actually releases avocado oil and shining stuff into the hair. It's, as Barney wouldn't say about a woman's hair product, Legen-wait for it-dary!

So, my sleepiness is my excuse for this rambling, meandering entry. I was writing for a reason this time, but I can't remember what it is. Oh wait, now I do! The list. You know which one I'm talking about. The 25 Things To Do Before I'm 26 list!

Did I everything on the list? Um, no, are you crazy? I tried to do it all within one month like the little procrastinator that I am. But I did a heck of a lot of it, and I'm going to count the Orlando trip as part of the year, because it's my list and I can make up the rules.

Okay, I know you've been holding your breath to know what I did, right? Lie to me, if you have to. :P

1. Ride a horse. Who knew this would be something I'd actually do? It was an interesting experience. Even if my mare had a mind of her own and decided that eating was a better option than walking. As was peeing for minutes twice.

2. Milk a cow. Okay, so it was fiberglass, but it still dispensed liquid, and only if done correctly. Someone actually had to show me, so I'm totally counting it. Especially after that person told me sometimes a cow's tail lingers in manure, and then the cow swats your face with her tail. Um, manure on my face is definitely not on the list.

3. Volunteer at a charity. Thank you to Light the Night. I was a volunteer at this event, which was to prevent blindness.

4. Get a facial. I enjoyed this one a little too much. Now I daydream about it.

5. Swim in the ocean. Hello, upcoming Orlando Trip.

6. Sing in the rain. I sang Dr. Horrible's My Eyes (both parts) in a Texas Thunderstorm. Take that!

7. Take a hot air balloon ride. Hello, upcoming Orlando Trip. Maybe, assuming I can get past the price tag.

8. Ride on a motorcycle. Thanks to a buddy.

9. Invent something. I did invent something, I just didn't create it with my hands. Though I told people about it. They know of my unquestioned brilliance.

10. Carve a pumpkin. This was a surprisingly not easy.

11. Ride on a horse carriage. Do people have to stare the whole time as one passes? It's hard to wave politely back and then ignore the continued staring. Wave and then look away, people!

12. Spend the night at a historical hotel. I stayed at The Hilton downtown where J.F. Kennedy and the First Lady spent the night. His last night.

13. Learn to carve wood and carve something. I'm terribly grateful that I didn't say anything about the carving having to be good.

14. Look at the sky and know facts about the stars. I've read some of my Astronomy for Dummies book, and I have a simple telescope, so I'll do that tonight.

Ones I didn't do:

1. Write, edit, and market a novel. (Not this year anyway.)
2. Camp/stay at a cabin.
3. Approach a handsome stranger. (Yes, I still haven't done this. Is that sad?)
4. Learn Italian.
5. Go skiing.
6. Write a screenplay/script.
7. Go to a football game voluntarily, and enjoy it.
8. Go to a huge concert.
9. Visit and explore Austin.
10. Fly a kite.
11. Audition for the part of a movie extra.

Okay, so there's quite a few I didn't do, but at least there's more that I did/will do. And those I never got to will be transferred to my 26 Things to Do Before I'm 27 List. Which I'll be working on writing the rest of the week, or today, if I'm feeling particularly ambitious. I've come up with a few already. And some are even more outlandish. Though coming up with 26 things is kinda a lot.

Moving on from my triumphs and failures. I've got to get back to work. Hopefully patients will be extra-nice today when they call. :)

25 list, the ripper, dreams

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