Aug 28, 2009 13:23
Okay, you can stop holding your breath, I'm going to tell you what I decided. K basically said she can't go because of a very early childcare class (pfft, when do your children become more important that a club? Ahem. I'm not pouting...), so I'm going to carpool with some of the other girls for the 10 p.m. time. Hopefully there's still room. My concern, of course, remains as to how freakin' tired I'm going to be because of, you know, the fog that plagues me today. (And because I'm getting old and can't stay up as late.) Also, I keep typing dog and then have to backspace to type fog. Every single time. The dog that plagues me--those crazy canines! With their cute eyes and sharp teeth.
Maybe I should nap when I get home before the club. Not sure why this club business is consuming so much of my thoughts. Has it really been that long since I've done something like this?
Okay, yes, yes it has.
To-do list before tonight:
1. Drive home in sucky traffic. Curse sucky traffic in two languages.
2. Get a tattoo.
3. Remove tattoo.
4. Dangerously daydream in sucky traffic.
5. Take one of those necessary evils called a nap.
6. Drink coffee to wake me up from haze caused by nap.
7. Consider getting another tattoo.
8. Dismiss the idea.
9. Get ready for the club.
10. Change outfits a ridiculous number of times before settling on something that's risque, but not too risque.
11. Drive to girl's house.
12. Pile into girl's car.
Then it's club time! OMG and other dramatic exclamations!!
P.S. I've had a seriously lot of coffee by now...