What Dreams We Weave

Aug 26, 2009 08:48

It's started again. The strange spider dreams I sometimes have. Only this time, I dreamed I was in Peru visiting some family. They lived in the jungle (the jungle gives me the creeps in real life due to all the crazy bugs and unexplored territory--too many stories my mom told me about her experiences when she was there), among some trees. Sort of like Tolkien's elves, but with lots of insects (and arachnids), they live in one giant tree. Think of a huge tree with a large leaf cocoon at the top. To get to the house inside, one must climb to the top and enter a hole/doorway. Anyway, so I'm standing outside, when a brown spider that's around an inch and a half long (pretty tame for a jungle creature) comes flying out of the greenery and stalks toward me. So, naturally, I react with calm by making terrified noises and scrambling backward. Undeterred, the spider follows me, growing closer and closer, while I increase my panicked attempts to escape. The apparently-enraged spider flies toward my neck and I know it's going to bite me. Then fortune smiles down at me, and I wake up before it happens. With the knowledge that it was sort of inevitable and I was going to get bitten.

Anyway, I've had the spider dreams before, but the spider wasn't so big, and it didn't freaking bite me in the neck. Have I possibly been watching too much True Blood?

Okay, my curiosity will not abate with time, so I'm going to quickly look up possible meanings. Be right back.

Okay, according to www.dreammoods.com, the jungle signifies:

"To dream that you are in a jungle, signifies aspects of yourself and your personality that may be inhibited. You may be experiencing some chaos and unpredictable circumstances in your waking life. Consider the phrase "it's a jungle out there!"

If you are lost or trapped in a jungle, then it indicates that your negative feelings are hindering your progress, You need to come to terms with aspects of your unconscious."

The same aforementioned site also says this about spiders:

"...Or that you may want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power. Alternatively, a spider may refer to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior."

Finally, it says this about necks:

"To see your neck in your dream, signifies the relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical. It represents willpower, self-restriction and your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase, "don't stick your neck out" which serves as a warning against a situation.

To dream that your neck is injured or sore, indicates a separation between your heart and mind. Alternatively, it could represent something or someone is literally a pain in the neck."

So that mean that I'm tempted (due to a lack of willpower) into a life of chaos, but there's a force out there keeping me from falling into that, or trying to pull me back from it? Then again, maybe I need a second cup of coffee, if I'm going try interpreting my odd and slightly scary dreams.


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