Jul 02, 2006 16:45
So thanks to Stephanie I checked my AP scores by phone. The results (drumroll, if you would):
Lit: 4 (exactly what I expected)
Music Theory: 4 (actually a miracle from God, not even kidding) composites 3 & 5. So it looks like I studied the right stuff for the written :o) and I at least don't completely suck at sightsinging and such. Must've been the best music theory day of my life.
World: 5 (my academic goal in highschool life has been achieved)Pretty much want to shove it in Mr. Funk's face since he said I wouldn't get a 5 after the mistake I made. I talked about the Crusades in a time period before Muhammed was even born, therefor no Islam to crusade against. That means my multiple choice must've been "riflippindiculous"ly good. :O)
I'm not gonna lie- i'm a little proud. And a little excited my friends are doing just as well and even more excited that we're all so proud of each other.