Had to laugh like hell

Mar 11, 2004 21:19

(as my man Vonnegut would say. In one of his books he's always saying, "I had to laugh like hell.")

Conversation I had with my nursing student friend who happens to be a man. He had tested out on his first shot by giving me a shot. It was the first shot he'd ever given, so he was quite nervous (I've given them before, so it didn't bother me to do it, but I remember the first time I gave one and it's frightening!)....Anyway, back to the conversation:

Him: So, did you feel it?

Me: No, I didn't even know you had put it in.

(Silence for about two seconds)

Him and me: Fit of laughter

Me: Not really something a guy wants to hear from a woman, huh?

What made this even more fun was the conversation happened probably two hours after the event and at a totally different location from where the shot had been administered.

And this on the same day that during a break in class we ended up talking about exotic things we've eaten. I've eaten goat, that's as exotic as it gets for me so far. Someone else has eaten elk. So, Tina, a pretty conservative lady says, "Have you ever had beaver tail?" I said, "You can eat beaver tail?" "Well, I haven't, but my husband does."

Now, thank god I was still lost on the idea that anyone this side of 1864 would eat beaver tail. Thank god I didn't look at Bob. She left the room and he just lost it. I was still stuck wondering why the hell anyone would eat beaver tail.

Bob says, "I actually had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing."

I was so weirded out by the whole why-the-hell-would-you-eat-beaver-tail thing that my mind had stopped right there. Usually my mind, sick and childish that it is, would have proceeded right to where yours probably is right now; where Bob's was. "Why?"

So he reminds me, "She said that she doesn't eat beaver tail, but her husband does."

OMG! I was laughing my ass off.

Earlier in the day, before the "beaver" incident, at an earlier break in class, Tina approached our instructor and I looked up when I heard sobbing. Tina was sobbing and I don't know who embraced whom first, but she and the instructor (female) were hugging.

I asked, later, after our little exchange about the shot, if Bob knew what was going on with Tina and why she was crying.

Bob: Maybe her husband won't eat beaver tail anymore.

quotes, nursing school

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