Feb 04, 2005 20:43
(Back when being an alcoholic was great entertainment, there was this fantastic movie called Arthur. It could never be made today because it's not the 80s now and, hey, alcoholism just isn't funny anymore. But Dudley Moore sure made for a lovable drunk, and what a swell pianist he was, too. It's one of my favorite movies ever, even though it just wouldn't fly today. In it, Arthur says one of my favorite lines, "Sometimes I just think funny things." Since I was a little kid, I've tried to live my life that way. Not like an alcoholic, but as someone who gets caught standing in line at Wal-Mart snickering to herself. Sure I look crazy, but I'm having lots of good fun that is funny.)
Anyway, the other day in class I wrote something that my classmate Kristy and I laughed at for a bit. We had a little quiz that didn't count except to help us preview the upcoming chapters. Some of it required us to write down definitions. Neither of us knew one of them. I was pretty certain the term had something to due with some sort of deficit suffered after a stroke. This is what I wrote:
Agnosia: difficulty either proving or disproving the existence of a higher power when previously there was no such deficit.
Agnosia really means: the inability to recognize the import of sensory impressions, and it IS a deficit suffered after a stroke. People will not be able to recognize what a coin is if they put their hand into a bag and touch it with their fingers, etc.
I was hoping I'd get called on to share my answer, but I got called on for another question that I actually got right. Darnit!
But, the highlight of the week came when one of my favorite classmates asked the instructor,
"Why is it that birth control pills cause strokes?"
And I said in a completely serious tone, "Because you're sinning."
When everyone started roaring with laughter, including the instructor, I couldn't keep a straight face any more, though.
nursing school