What's up with Chinese shooters?

Aug 16, 2004 12:19

They don't own guns in China, do they? So, why the dominance in shooting in the Games? Holy crap!

Anyway, I finished sewing Aislinn's dress last night. I just need to put a hook and eye on, which will only take a couple minutes. No biggie. She's wearing it right now and looks so pretty. I made it big, so it will fit her for a couple years. She'll also be able to wear a turtle neck under it and tights and wear it this Fall/Winter. I have to get some good pictures of her in it so I can show off my handiwork (both of my genes and my sewing ;-)

Speaking of Aislinn, she's been keeping herself awake and then coming downstairs and "cuting" us into letting her watch the Olympics the last couple nights, which means that today she is the whiniest, nastiest little Aislinn I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I even had to take her up to her room for a break, something I rarely have to do with her. She is most definitely the mildest-mannered of the three. She is just insane today, crying/screeching/screaming about everything, and generally making me want to pull my hair out/praying for naptime.

For instance, I was sweeping the dining room and kitchen and she picked up her cup off the table and whined that she wanted something to drink. I said, cheerily, "Just a second, Aislinn. I'm sweeping." This caused her to throw herself onto the dining room floor screaming and flailing like I had just told her I was never going to allow her to ever drink anything ever again.

aislinn, being a mom

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