Nov 27, 2006 18:53
so i woke up this morning with an interesting voice. the loudest i could go was slightly above a gravelly whisper, and i referred to myself at work as "the seven year old chain smoker" for amusement's sake. the ACTUAL chain smokers that i work with were entertained.
but as the day wore on and my returned to some semblance of normal, i was able to kind of put a finger on exactly what i sounded like (albeit after a few cups of tea and a "specialty drink" i'll mention in a bit). my normal voice is in a fairly high register, and i speak very quickly. like, gilmore girls quickly. but today, i've been reduced to a husky whisper that comes from the back of my throat. i've been forced to slow things down tremendously to be both heard and understood, as this crazy whisper is completely different from the chirp of my vocal norm.
and that's when it hit me. and the explanation is....delicate and i am totally blushing while i write this because it's HILARIOUS and, like i said, delicate.
imagine this, you're "in bed" with someone of your preferred gender. now, when you're talking to this person, in order to maintain a certain "mood" - you'll speak a little differently than you normally would. usually a litle deeper, and a little softer, and a lot slower. i'll lower my voice to a sort of husky, deep-throated whisper. almost like a purr.
the last time i lost my voice, i sounded like rod stewart. this time i'm stuck using my sex voice!
my boss came into work today with an armload of bottles of champagne that she'd received for one reason or another. they're all brand new and shiny and corked with the foil wrappers and everything. and everyone who expressed interest in receiving one got one to take home. and there was one bottle left over, so we all had mimosa's this morning.
i wrote website copy with a buzz. on a monday. awe-some.
sick and dying,