absolutely nothing special

Nov 06, 2006 22:40

i'm tired as hell, and i cam't imagine why - as i did virtually nothing all day aside from eating ribs, drinking beers and meeting Alex Brown of the Chicago Bears at a local bar that was overrun by small children in the local athletic association's football jerseys for 10-year olds. in what world do small children run around in bars??? and while i'm irritated about children in bars, here's some bitching about a much more WORTHY topic:
Dear US Department of Education,

I would really appreciate it if you would stop sending me these letters that say I owe you money. If i recall correctly, and if my checking account recalls correctly, I already paid your bitch ass in full. This means that I no longer owe you money, and as I paid within the grace period, I do not owe you any interest. Check the facts, SRSLY.

Suck it. Suck it long and hard,
anyway, the other night, my family ordered out for chinese. here's what my fortune cookie said, verbatim:"You are social able and entertaining." i find that interesting in more ways than one. obviously, it was meant to be "sociable," but butchering it as "social able" makes it seem as though i am CAPABLE of being social, but that i choose not to. interesting.

i'm running out of words that make sense. halloween was a week ago and i still haven't shown off my costume. this must be rectified immediately, or cypher will beat me with a stick. so....yeah. pictures. and i don't know what the hell is up with my expression in either one.

pictures, daily, vanity, nablopomo, open letters

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