For no real apparent reason. Just like everything else I post here.
1. I have three piercings. Right ear, left ear, right eyebrow. That's it.
2. I think I am 5'2". I say this because I haven't been FORMALLY measured in a long time. For all I know, it might be closer to 5'1".
3. If I'm in a place with a scale (read: at home), I will weigh myself every day. Sometimes twice a day. And I will be disgusted every time.
4. I had horrible skin until I got on birth control. It's about a bazillion times better now than what it was in high school and junior high. It was tremendously uncool.
5. I rarely make eye contact with people when I speak to them. Instead, I look at the little space between their eyebrows. Or at the tip of their nose.
6. I am 50% Greek on my mother's side of the family. Are you picturing "My Big Fat Greek Wedding?" Stop it, we're not that nuts. But we ARE loud and friendly and we WILL feed you to death if you let us.
7. I am 25% Swedish and 25% Polish, on my father's side of the family. Most of his relatives live in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota, which are BORING BORING STATES.
8. My horseback riding obsession started when I was three. I wasn't allowed to cross the street by myself, so I figured that if I could have a horse, then I could just RIDE across the street. I'm 21. I still want a pony.
9. I received my first kiss when I was 14. He did it on a dare to prove to our mutual friend that he would; I did not learn of his motives until way later. We ended up dating for a year and seven months.
10. I used to do the weekly announcements in high school, over the loudspeaker. Few people ever knew (or believed) it was me.
11. I fish for compliments, but don't accept them very well.
12. It will be a cold day in hell before I wake up and think, "My God! My stomach and thighs are AMAZING!"
13. I've lived in Schaumburg, IL my entire life (except for college). So I've spent 21 and a half years living maybe 20 miles out from the heart of Chicago. I'm still not used to Illinois' lake-effect winters.
14. I don't have a credit card. I don't want one. But apparently I need one so I can do snazzy things a car.
15. Every time I see an old Buick Regal, I am reminded of my first car, and of how much I loved the damn thing.
16. Nobody makes pink jello like my Gramma. Nobody. And it sounds so stupid, doesn't it? Pink jello. Just try it, you'll see...
17. I am my mother's daughter in every sense of the word. We look the same, sound the same, act the same, react to things the name it.
18. I have been told that I have my father's sense of humor. People tend to think that he's a funny guy, so I'm more or less okay with this.
19. My favorite flowers are alstromeria's. They are amazingly cheap, and I usually end up buying a bunch of them for myself because they make me happy.
20. I always say that I don't want children because I don't LIKE children. The real reason is that I'm terribly afraid of being a bad mother, and screwing up my children to the point that they hate me.
21. I have a hard time memorizing anything unless it's a song.
22. I took exactly eleven piano lessons when I was eight.
23. And then I played violin in 5th and 6th grade.
24. And followed that up with chorus in junior high. And voice lessons in college.
25. I still can't read music. Well, I *can* but it takes me forever, and I have to write out the letter-names of the notes on the sheet music in order to get anywhere.
26. I don't tan. I bronze.
27. I'm terrified that I will never be married. I am aware, that I am not quite 22, but it's a legitimate fear for somewhere down the line.
28. My little sister is about a hundred bajillion times cooler than yours.
29. I rarely see movies in the theatre. I can't justify paying $9 for something I'm not even sure I'll like.
30. I can quote "The Princess Bride" entirely verbatim, having seen it well over 100 times. It is my favorite movie, after all...
31. I overanalyze my interactions with boys entirely too much. And usually in a negative way.
32. I used to aspire to be a writer, when I was much younger. I sent in a plot synopsis to Pocket Books when I was 11. They liked it and wanted to see more.
33. I was in pull-out gifted programs from kindergarden until 6th grade. In junior high and high school, there were special class sections for the old "gifted" kids.
34. In one of these gifted classes (in 3rd grade), we had to invent something. I made a frying pan with three sections and called it "Tricerapan" because I was un-suave. I saw an infomercial a few weeks ago for a 3-sectioned frying pan and was more than a little upset.
35. If you are a tall, charming, skinny boy with blue eyes, I will probably be attracted to you.
36. I like beer - Miller Light being the brew of choice.
37. I think I like my boobs too much. I talk about them a LOT and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because I think that boys like boobs, so if I talk about them, then boys will then, in turn, like me. My logic on this one is a little fuzzy.
38. I rarely make plans because I hate it when they fall through. So in order to save myself the heartache of being blown off by someone, or having things not work out, I tend to avoid planning at all costs.
39. Initiating conversation is another sore point. I don't like calling people, I don't like IMing people first, or repeatedly. I feel like I'm interrupting someone, or like they won't really want to talk to me in the first place. Or that I'm being annoying or stalkery by attempting conversation too often.
40. When I meet someone that I like (and want to date), I take it upon myself to learn as much about this person as humanly possible.
41. I was not allowed to start horseback riding lessons until I was twelve. Because I was such a small kid, my mom worried that some evil pony would just drag me all over the place. This happened anyway.
42. I'm addicted to ebay. Or rather, I'm addicted to designer (KATE SPADE) purses on ebay. As of this summer, I own 5. I plan to make it 6 before the year is over.
43. Speaking of Kate Spade, I've gotten REALLY good at spotting fake ones. They're EVERYWHERE.
44. I like my coffee with lots of chocolate and milk in it, so that it only very vaguely resembles coffee.
45. I'm a happy, flirty, make-out-y drunk.
46. I regret a few individuals. I regret wasting my time and emotions on them. I regret letting them in.
47. I've only changed my major once, and I never really changed it. I started off in the pre-journalism program, with the intent to apply to the school of communications, but decided I liked Speechcom way better, so declared that instead.
48. I picked up my English minor to appease my mother.
49. I adore bad television: Laguna Beach, Elimidate, Next, Room Raiders, etc.
50. My hair is naturally curly. When I was little, I had natural, Shirly Temple ringlets.
51. I was raised Greek Orthodox. It never really did anything for me. The services are gorgeous, but I'm totally unaffected by them in terms of spiritual matters.
52. I can count my *close* female friends on one hand.
53. I like simplicity. Not a lot of clutter. Clean lines and basic colors that are easy on the eyes. You'd never know this from looking at my room.
54. The first piece of furniture I buy will be a fainting couch.
55. I cried like a baby when I found out that my horse was gone.
56. Some people are pretty when they cry or wake up. I am not one of these people.
57. I hate group projects, and often feel that I am stuck working with complete idiots. (There has been one exception to this rule, ever.)
58. I am a firm believer in the idea that when you want to be with someone, there is nothing that should stop you from doing so. You're never too busy - you MAKE TIME. You're never too far - you GET IN YOUR CAR and drive. There is no such thing as too much effort when you want to be with someone. If this seems like too much for you, then just wait until you find the person this does apply to.
59. I like music and all, but I've never been rabid about a band or a song or whatever.
60. I've had six food/restaurant-related jobs in my lifetime. I blame this on the fact that I'm Greek, and restaurants have been bred into me.
61. I've had eight real boyfriends. Some more meaningful than others. I still talk to six of them.
62. I've never been to New England. I've flown over it, but I'm missing out on Boston, NYC, and DC.
63. I'm honestly terrified to graduate. I want to pick up another major or minor or something as an excuse to stay another year.
64. I don't like steak. Or lobster.
65. I compulsively play with the battery covers on remotes and straighten pictures.
66. Small towns creep me out. Only one gas station/stop light/restaurant? Creepy! How do people function like that?
67. I've been single for so long that I'm starting to worry if there's something legitimately wrong with me.
68. As a general rule, my sleep patterns are fucked beyond belief.
69. I think I would be totally happy to eat breakfast food forever and ever until the end of time.
70. I like buying presents for people.
71. In 5th grade, I broke my arm by running into a house. There's a longer story, I promise, and it makes me sound like LESS of an idiot who runs into structures and breaks her bones.
72. I have broken both my middle fingers by having them smashed in doors.
73. My birthday is contained in my screennames/usernames, very few people actually figure this out. Here, I'll spell it out for ya: 5-26-84.
74. I read PostSecret every Sunday morning.
75. The word "blog" sounds like verbal diahhrea (NO idea how to spell this word).
76. I loved deviled eggs. They do not love me. A damn shame.
77. I've never gone anywhere or done anything special for spring/winter break.
78. I generally label myself as a social liberal. As far as the government is concerned, I really have no idea what's going on, and am fairly apathetic.
79. I am perpetually late. Especially to class.
80. I have allowed one boy in the history of ever to call me "baby."
81. My friend Emily and I used to talk about wanting to join a frat, or at least showing up at one with a case and some movie featuring a lot of swearing and violence.
82. I want a pet. A real one. None of this fish/bird/lizard/rodent crap. I want a dog. And a cat. And a pony...still.
83. People tend to view me as an optimist. This is because I tend to put on a happy face for them so they don't think otherwise.
84. I'm addicted to chapstick. I didn't use to be.
85. I like Pepsi, not Coke, white wine, not red, and Britney (pre-trailer trash), not Christina.
86. I feel naked if I'm not wearing something around my right wrist (my watch, a hairtie...something).
87. Boys who sing? And boys in suits? Totally do it for me.
88. Making out is probably my favorite thing to do.
89. I often play out conversations between myself and someone else in my head, first in an optimistic way, then in a pessimistic way.
90. I like things to be neat, but I hate cleaning.
91. I've been in two car accidents. And one subsequent lawsuit. As a result of accident #2, I am terrified to drive with anyone I do not trust EXCEEDINGLY well.
92. I really need to get my wisdom teeth out. And probably my tonsils too.
93. I've never needed glasses, which is good, because I have no idea how to correctly use eye drops. And I can't watch people put in contacts.
94. Sometimes I take VERY stupid things VERY seriously.
95. My tolerance of emotional pain is really riduculously high. It takes a LOT to make me truly give up on someone.
96. I read an exorbitant amount of celebrity gossip. And cosmo. Holy god, do I love cosmo.
97. I used to be able to write legibly with my toes. And when I get bored in class, I practice writing with my right hand...making me THAT MUCH CLOSER to ambidexterity.
98. I played softball for eight years. I was a second base-person and a pitcher. When I first started playing (in 3rd grade) my dad and I would practice in our basement. He'd always put on the song "Take On Me" by A-Ha, because it had a good beat and would get me to move to the ball. Now that song is my ringtone. :-)
99. I got 99 problems, being a bitch ain't one. (Yes, I know, I changed the lyrics. But you know what? I haven't been very nice to people this year, and for whatever reason, people seem to LIKE it.)
100. I feel like I should end this list with something shocking and exciting. But I say enough weird shit on here anyway. So instead you get this: I'm fairly normal. And stable. I know what's going on in my head and despite the mental bullshit I put myself through on a very regular basis, I know things will turn out alright. I am a good person. I was raised right. My morals and standards are in place and I know my right from wrong, even though I dabble in the gray area from time to time. I am fiercely loyal, and it hurts the hell out of me for anyone to suggest otherwise. I love my family and I love my friends and I'm generally pretty happy with who I am.