Nov 12, 2005 02:22
well lj certainly pulled that revamp on me out of nowhere. birthdays? scrapbook? you are so facebook.
so, contrary to my last entry, i am completely devoid of anything insightful to say. just maybe that i have been feeling a little frustrated lately. i feel like there are so many amazing amazing people here but a large majority of those i know have character problems i just cannot overlook. i'm pretty fucking unrealistic. i don't know how i'm supposed to get through life like this.
i'm also starting to try and be less demeaning of people. well, maybe demeaning is the wrong word, but i'm trying to hang out more with people i usually wouldn't. because i feel like there are inherently beautiful parts of everyone, and i need to be more open to finding those. so i need to stop just associating with people who seem outwardly relatable to me. i mean, it's funny, everything i've been reading about in terms of ancient greek society and even philosophy and my writing seminar to some degree suggests that the human-imposed system of social hierarchy is imbedded very strongly in the past--the status of the slaves in persia, the soldiers of sparta, so on and so forth. and your initial reaction is, well what a contrast to today; our culture is so much more equal...but then if you think about it again, well, not really. it's not the same, but i mean, especially in college, there's still so much definition and ordering. you get the whole thing that in college, in high school even, the popularity doesn't matter anymore like it did in middle school. maybe popularity is the wrong term to use here, but honestly, how sickeningly heavily do people rely on first-sight impressions to form incredibly in-depth perceptions of people? is the contemporary superficiality more pathetic in some ways? i'm not sure.
lately i've been missing something a lot...not my old friends--i miss them, but i know how that feels. not my parents, not my house, nothing like that. almost like something i never really had, but not as cliche and sappy as that sounds...i mean, nothing romantic, i'm pretty sure...maybe something more philosophical, something in the way of attitude and perspective on life. it's kind of annoying, it almost seems close, but i don't know how to get there. hm.
ok well, this wasn't very substantial, but at least i didn't talk about how much i love the kiwi and grapes from the fruit truck outside the quad, which was what i was originally thinking about.
let's end on a lighter note:
kid in my hall- "if you had to pick one animal to have sex with, what would it be?"
me- "uh-"
kid- "and it can't be something weird like a platypus."
me- "welllll, ummm. i don't know. what would you pick?"
kid- "probably one of those bald cats."