things are gonna change, i can feel it.

Sep 01, 2011 18:51

it feels like this has been a really busy week. i find this odd, because i have seriously done practically nothing. i had one interview this week and that was today. 8yaaaaaawn*

i am officially on vacation. i got a job offer on tuesday from albuquerque's swankiest department store to come & sell expensive clothes for them, which i immediately accepted. my game plan had been accept anything all along, but this was actually better than i'd hoped for. %p DISCOUNT, ANYONE? so, now that i have a job, i can do nothing and not feel guilty. even still, i have still been interviewing, and had a really good meeting w a jewelry manufacturer this afternoon too. there will be one more interview before they decide, and i'm pretty optimistic i'll be called in. i would looooooooooove to get this job. NO SELLING OF THINGS REQUIRED. it's a mid management position, lots analyzing and researching on the intarwebz. i can do that.

today is offically one month (four weeks, anyway) since i got here. what a long way it feels from that first night. at first, i had some serious "ohno" moments there, but, the dust has settled and i'm really happy to be here. it's just so different. and until i'm working and in my own place, i'm not sure what living here is actually going to feel like. i can tell you that i am having a totally different sort of human interaction experience. %p i mean, i'm in the guest house, but i see and hang out with eileen & doug everyday. there are always people dropping in and lots of parties (there have been at least 3 parties since i got here) and it's just so different. lots of people, in the good way, not the bad way (like creepy people at my old job, etc) i can't wait for a year down the line.

so yeah, that's life here at the moment. '

but, things could change at any time. and suddenly i am REALLY hungry!

life, new mexico, job

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