Aug 26, 2005 10:08
I went to the doctor's yesterday. The doc did an ultrasound and found that Rose hasn't flipped the right way to be born. Meaning that I have a breech baby. There just isn't enough room for her to do the flip. And U of M won't let you have a breech. It's very painful for the mom and dangerous for the baby because the umbilical cord can get pinched cutting off the O2. Not a good thing. And they are a little concerned about how big she is cause I'm small.
Basically what this all means is that they are going to do a c-section if she doesn't flip by next Thursday. They want to do it on SEptember 12. It sort of scares me cause I have never had any sort of operation in my 20 years. And I want to have her naturally. Well as naturally as I could take. Now I go get an epidural, they cut me, take the baby out, and stitch me up.
There are the up sides:
No 20 hours of pain.
No alien headed baby.
She'll have a really good complexion.
My kitty won't be streched to hell.
I guess the main goal is to have the healthiest baby you can and take care of it.
I can't believe in 3 weeks I'm going to be a mom. It's really mindblowing.