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Comments 16

emeraldarrows August 28 2015, 19:14:19 UTC
Does Eureka get more interesting as it goes along? Everyone I know loves it and I watched the first three episodes and was so bored I stopped. :O

I've always meant to try True Blood. I love Daredevil and The Whispers but I dropped The Last Ship, Dark Matter, and Stitchers after an episode or two each. I don't even usually drop shows, tbh, but I've dropped at least ten of them this year. It's odd.


sireesanwar August 28 2015, 22:33:32 UTC
I would think that would mean you won't like Eureka. I liked Eureka enough in the beginning but I thought the last two seasons the best.

I liked True Blood but more often than not I felt like I hated all the characters for their stupid choice and behaviors. It isn't a show I think people need to run out and watch but it was okay.

I couldn't get into Daredevil. I think I was watching the third episode when I realized I just wasn't paying any attention because I was bored. To each their own though.

The Whispers and Wayward Pines, I watch a lot of before I just dreaded watching it so I stopped. Haven't missed them.

I had watched the entire first season of the Last Ship and then start in on this one but it just wasn't as interesting anymore.


tracyj23 August 31 2015, 12:02:34 UTC
I did not enjoy Orphan Black at all. We watched about half the first season and it was so confusing and just plain boring to me. Interesting how we all like different things.

I loved Daredevil. Not so much in the beginning, in fact after one episode I was nearly ready to not watch anymore but I've got a policy of giving each show I try at least 3 or 4 episodes because sometimes the pilots suck while the rest gets better. It did get better I felt, and by the end I was wanting more.

Dark Matter is the only other from this list that I watched and I kept wanting to drop it, but I'm glad I stuck with it in a way. The characters are still all really one dimensional but there's some interesting story arcs coming along now that make it more of a wanna-see. Plus Wil Wheaton was in the second to last episode of the season! I love Wil. :)


sireesanwar August 31 2015, 17:32:02 UTC
It really is! I can't fathom disliking Orphan Black but then I can't fathom loving Daredevil. I felt about DD the way you felt about OB. So weird. Well, I'm really glad you love DD. I hope the show continues to meet your expectations because we all know it really stinks when shows start to let you down.

See part of me thought Dark Matter might get more interesting but I just kept thinking that I didn't need another show and it really wasn't keeping me interested that much.

However, the episode where they found the sick woman which was ... Three's previous love. That was an interesting episode but it didn't really keep me watching. Though it would be possible if it really gets better that I could always go back. But we'll see because there are some new shows I want to see.


tracyj23 September 1 2015, 16:33:42 UTC
So very true! And most shows do, that's why I tend to prefer British shows. They have few episodes per season and usually end after about 3 seasons, so it leaves you wishing for more, not sad because "this show used to be so good and now it's disappointing", which is how I feel about a lot of north american tv.

I thought that whole Three's previous love episode was superfluous and actually didn't help at all in fleshing out the character. That was supposed to be its goal, to show us there's more to him than just an angry "I only care about me" attitude. There are a few interesting things that might keep me watching, mostly the story itself, but the characters are very cliched and so are the relationships and I can pretty much predict exactly what's going to happen on the show, and I don't like that. I like surprises. I may not continue with Dark Matter next season. Considering there are always new shows to try, plus a whole load of old ones that are coming back in a month ... :)


sireesanwar September 8 2015, 22:38:52 UTC
It is true. I was just thinking that as we finished off Falling Skies. That show really started out well but quickly started beating the premise to death and this last season was beyond awful.

Oh see I like getting to know more about the characters. So I loved that but not most of the show.

Oh my goodness all that is coming back and I went and dipped my toe into Grimm which I previously gave up only to realize it got really good. Darn me! Why?!


burned_phoenix September 1 2015, 08:55:10 UTC
didn't you just tell me the last ship was so awesome? Or was that someone or something else? :D


sireesanwar September 2 2015, 18:08:26 UTC
I thought the first season was very awesome but the second season just took a dive for boredom. So sad.


burned_phoenix September 3 2015, 09:34:20 UTC
yeah, that's too bad. Hate it when that happens :D


sireesanwar September 3 2015, 23:15:16 UTC
Me too but one less show is okay with me... I just wish it were in the fall.


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