Pundits (and friends) LGBTfest Masterlist '10

Mar 26, 2010 23:19

Thanks to 
themistoklis for compiling this and letting me share it.

2465. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart, The 'jew jokes' just roll right off him. So why after coming out, is that not the case for the 'gay jokes'?
2575. RPF - Pundits, 'Stephen Colbert'/Jon Stewart - Stephen struggles to reconcile his faith and his sexuality.
2576. RPF - Pundits, Aasif Mandvi, 'Tell Aasif's wife I love her' is a running in-joke amongst the correspondents. It's funny because, in addition to being unmarried, Aasif Mandvi is gay. 
2577. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper, Pundit Round Table, Anderson comes out as bi when even his friends expected him to come out as gay.
2578. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper, When did Anderson realize he was gay? How did he come to terms with his own sexual identity as a young man? Who, if any, of his close friends or family did he tell?
2579. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper, The Colbert Report probably wasn't the best place for Anderson to come out.
2580. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, and Stephen Colbert, Three very different perspectives on being queer in the media.
2581. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper & Rachel Maddow, PRT, They like to hang out together in public but the gossip magazines didn't think it was that simple. The PRT attempted to clarify lead to more misunderstanding. Anderson has to come out in order to protect his friends.
2582. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper (and or / ) Jon Stewart, Anderson and Jon are both closeted gay men. Anderson is unmarried and there is a lot of public speculation about Anderson's sexuality, while Jon is married and his apparent heterosexuality is generally accepted. What effects do these two types of closeted lifestyles have on the pair? 
2583. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow, Anderson, a closeted gay man, and Rachel, an out lesbian, have a frank discussion in which they compare and contrast their different experiences and debate the merits of being out.
2584. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper/Keith Olbermann, Keith loses his temper while interviewing a homophobic politician (or whoever) and outs himself. How does Anderson react? How does this affect their relationship and careers?
2585. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper/Keith Olbermann, Gay marriage is finally legalized in New York. Keith and Anderson decide to get married, and need to work out how and when to come out and how this will affect both of their careers.
2586. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper/Keith Olbermann, Anderson couldn't stop talking about Erica's new baby. Keith questions his hidden intention, Anderson gets defensive.
2587. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper/Rachel Maddow, Anderson isn't the first gay man to fall for Rachel. He's just the first one to have a shot -- and to have to deal with what it means.
2588. RPF - Pundits, Anderson Cooper/Shepherd Smith, How do they deal with the fallout of their relationship being outed (by the paparazzi, someone in the media, etc)?
2589. RPF - Pundits, Dr Rachel Maddow deals with being one of the few openly gay people on television.
2590. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart, He experimented with men when he was younger, but never thought to put a label on it. Now all those jokes he keeps making about himself are causing him to think again.
2591. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart, Jon surprises everyone (including himself) by coming out in the middle of interviewing someone who is anti-gay rights. He won the debate, but now he has to deal with the fallout. (Bonus points if there's a Jon/Stephen relationship also involved)
2592. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart, Jon has always been an ally to the LGBT community and is worried that he'll lose credibility in the eyes of his opponents if he comes out as gay or bi.
2593. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Anderson Cooper and PRT, When Anderson decides to come out as gay he isn't expecting Jon to want to keep their relationship and his own bisexuality in the closet.
2594. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Brian Williams, Their sexual tension during Daily Show interviews was scripted at first, but the line between comedy and reality rapidly vanished backstage after the show.
2595. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Brian Williams, Jon knows this wasn't all a ruse. He wants to go public, but Brian has some reservations - namely that it's easy for Jon to come out, he's on comedy central, but how will it look for a trusted name in news to come out?
2596. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Denis Leary, Denis has been in love with Jon for years. They've had a few close calls together while drunk or high, but it's never gone much past kissing and they've never spoken about it in the morning. Denis needs to be honest with Jon and himself, so he finally decides to come out...on The Daily Show
2597. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Denis Leary (& Stephen Colbert), Jon and Denis finally want to give a real relationship a try. Stephen begins to feel extremely protective of Jon, and decides to have a talk with Denis about what exactly his intentions are.
2598. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Denis Leary and PRT, Jon and Denis have been in a closeted on-again off-again relationship for years and when they get outed by the media they have to deal with the fallout from friends, coworkers, and family
2599. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Keith Olbermann, They don't fit the stereotype of gay men, and they like it that way -- it makes it easier to stay in the closet and hide in plain sight.
2600. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, They're on a road trip to visit Stephen's South Carolina house and end up stopping at a mountain motel in the middle of nowhere on the way down. The clerk refuses to rent them one room.
2601. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Jon wants to come out but Stephen would rather be outed.
2602. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, they get outed on a slow news week.
2603. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, the day DOMA is repealed.
2604. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Jon and Stephen come out as a couple, but because of all the times they've played gay for each other on their shows, no one believes them. What can they do to show people that they really are together and in love? ,
2605. RPF - Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert and Rachel Maddow, It's possible Rachel outed them on purpose.
2606. RPF - Pundits, Jon/Keith and the PRT, They kind of assumed their friends knew they were together, but apparently, not so much. So, when they get outed they're not just dealing with a media frenzy but also the reactions of the Pundit Round Table.
2607. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Keith wants to come out, and he wants to do it on Rachel's show
2608. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann, Pundit Round Table, Keith has always assumed they knew he was bi.
2609. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann, For Keith, the hard part isn't coming out as trans -- the hard part is explaining why she's not interested in hormones or surgery.
2610. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann & Dan Patrick - the PRT is optional, Keith never meant to come out as transgendered, but when Dan accidentally finds out they have to deal with it.
2611. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann (possibly Keith/Anderson). Keith has always imagined himself to have no problems with homosexuality, but when he discovers his own attraction to men, it is much more of an issue to him than he thought.
2612. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Anderson Cooper, It's a lot easier to be out when you spend your time in the pundit's chair in the States than when you're reporting from around the globe.
2613. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Anderson Cooper, Keith comes out. Anderson doesn't.
2614. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Anderson Cooper, Keith has never been a master of foresight or prudence, and he ends up outing himself and Anderson in the most disastrous way possible.
2615. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Coming out isn't for everyone, and Keith and Anderson wish Rachel could see that.
2616. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Dan Patrick, Keith's biggest regret is not coming out during their SportsCenter days.
2617. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Rachel Maddow, Rachel has always known she was gay, and she doesn't give her sexual orientation a second thought when she starts sleeping with Keith. Her gender identity, on the other hand...
2618. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Rachel Maddow, Rachel is terrified of losing her lesbian identity, and to keep that from happening, she has rules about what she and Keith can and can't do.
2619. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Rachel Maddow, Keith is bisexual, and he wants to know why Rachel is so adamant about identifying as a lesbian even when she's sleeping with a man. He thinks she needs to examine her views on bisexuality. She thinks he needs to let her chose her own identity.
2620. RPF - Pundits, Keith Olbermann/Rachel Maddow UST, 'Sometimes, I wish you were born a girl.' The thing is, Keith was.
2621. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, A bride, a suit, and an all-male wedding party isn't the fairy-tale wedding most little girls dream of, but Rachel thinks it's perfect. Except for the jitters. Those she could definitely do without.
2622. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel spent the past decade-plus being the younger woman in a cross-generational lesbian relationship, but now she has a new girlfriend, and the dynamic is reversed.
2623. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, The guys have been nothing but accepting of Rachel's sexuality, and they've been asking to meet her girlfriend. So what's holding her back?
2624. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel finds it's a whole different dating scene now that she's semi-famous and lesbianism is in vogue.
2625. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, 'Cohabitators, homosexuals, or fornicators -- I'm all three.' But she's also ace.
2626. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, I look like a dude, I dress like a boy, I'm kind of mannish -- Rachel wishes someone would just take the hint and ask
2627. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, Being the lesbian in a club of four gay men.
2628. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, When self-proclaimed dyke Rachel Maddow comes out as bi, she has to deal with attacks and criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. And then there's Keith. (Can be gen, het, or femslash.)
2629. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel loves identifying as butch, and has never had a problem celebrating her butchness. The acknowledgment that it's largely because 'woman' has never fit quite right is where things get more complicated.
2630. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel has never wanted to be a mother. So when a relative dies, naming Rachel as their baby's preferred guardian, she and Susan have to reevaluate what they'd planned for their lives to be like. (Bonus points for the rest of the pundits interacting with the baby, and/or for Anderson being Rachel's confidante re: her insecurities and her lack of any previous desire for a child.)
2631. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Keith might not be the first person to notice that there are days Rachel packs and binds, but he's the first to ask her about it. Rachel doesn't mind his questions -- it's her own answers that she's not ready for
2632. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, Rachel's been an AIDS activist for twenty years, but this is her first HIV positive girlfriend -- and she maybe expected her friends to be more supportive
2633. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, What happens when one of Rachel's dissenting guests decides to make Rachel's sexuality an issue?
2634. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Part of the reason Rachel feels so strongly about the ex-gay movement is how close she's been to it in the past.
2635. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, Liking girls doesn't mean Rachel is one of the guys, and she wishes they would figure that out
2636. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Pundit Round Table, When Rachel breaks up with her girlfriend, the guys try to cheer her up -- by setting her up with every lesbian they know
2637. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel's love of booze isn't about the alcohol. It's about the memories of when she first came out and how she found acceptance in a lesbian bar.
2638. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, How did Rachel first realize she was gay? Who was her first crush she was aware of having?
2639. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel never expected to be anyone's gay role model, let alone dozens of teenage lesbians'. How does she react when she finds out that she is?
2640. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow & Keith Olbermann, Keith insists on defending Rachel whenever conservative pundits throw homophobic insults her way. When Rachel confronts Keith and asks him to stop, she finds out he has a deeper motive for his reactions: he feels guilty for being in the closet.
2641. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper. Rachel and Anderson bond and discuss the situations they're in, both being gay people in the news business but being of different genders, with different philosophies about their jobs, with Rachel being an out lesbian, and Anderson not commenting on his sexuality at all.
2642. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow and Stephen Colbert, reporting on lgbt issues while being lgbt is too often like walking a tight rope.
2643. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow/Ana Marie Cox, Ana Marie has always identified as purely heterosexual. Rachel is making her seriously question that assessment.
2644. RPF - Pundits, Rachel Maddow/OFC, 18th century AU. Ninteen-year-old Rachel Maddow disguises herself as a man to be closer to the events of the American Revolution. Soldier, journalist, political something-or-other; anything's great. Though she does a wonderful job, someone notices. Lovely butch/femme romance ensues. (It doesn't have to be an OFC if there's a punditverse-lady you'd rather cast in the role.)
2645. RPF - Pundits, Samantha Bee/Jason Jones, On being two bisexual people in a heterosexual marriage
2646. RPF - Pundits, Shep Smith, why is everyone surprised to hear that the people at Fox know he's gay and are okay with it?
2647. RPF - Pundits, Shepard Smith, How can he reconcile being gay with working at Fox News?
2648. RPF - Pundits, Shepherd Smith, One of Shep’s colleagues at Fox News (Beck, O’Reilly, whoever) finds out he’s gay and outs him to everyone else (and maybe even the viewers?). Shep has to deal with the fallout
2649. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, PRT (OT5), Stephen only feels comfortable cross-dressing for Jon. The rest got jealous.
2650. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, After self-identifying as bisexual for most of his life, Stephen isn't sure what to do now that he finds his interest in women decreasing.
2651. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, Stephen thought it was only the character who was in denial. He was wrong.
2652. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, On being invisibi, a high profile talk show host, and a Sunday School teacher
2653. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, Turns out there was a reason he had no problem dressing up as Raven.
2654. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, Stephen had a lot of fun as the Grand Marshal of Northwestern's Homecoming Parade. He's pretty sure he could manuever his way into being the Grand Marshal of a Pride Parade. The only problem is that he'd have to come out first.
2655. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, Stephen comes out as an 'unrepentant' bisexual and is denied communion as a result. Bonus points for bitter, ironic references to being 'ensnared in a homosexual lifestyle'.
2656. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, Because of his new show and position in the spotlight, everyone thought it would be easier to keep his bisexuality under wraps. Jon doesn't understand why being assumed heterosexual and cut off from the Queer community should bothers him so much. He's married to a woman now, isn't he? 
2657. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert, He comes out to the media, but he might as well have not have said anything at all. His announcement is alternately treated like a joke and something that never happened. Even the mainstream Queer media continues to treat him like an ally, rather than a peer.
2658. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert (and or / ) Paul Dinello, Everyone just assumed that something went on with Stephen and Paul back in the day. So when Stephen comes out as gay or bi, nobody is all that surprised... except for Paul.
2659. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Amy Sedaris/Paul Dinello, neither Amy or Paul have ever mentioned it, but Stephen is very aware of the fact that he was the one who left their relationship for a heterosexual marriage. Sometimes, it feels like he didn't just abandon his partners; he turned his back on his bisexuality too.
2660. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart, Jon wants to come out but Stephen would rather be outed.
2661. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart, Stephen is bisexual, but Jon identifies as straight, despite being in a relationship with Stephen. Stephen knows he shouldn't be bothered by this, but part of him is, even so.
2662. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart, Stephen is bisexual, but Jon identifies as straight, despite being in a relationship with Stephen. Stephen knows he shouldn't be bothered by this, but part of him is, even so.
2663. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Jon Stewart, In the early days of Jon's time at The Daily Show, Stephen confesses that his stage gay persona isn't so stage. Jon does not take it as well as hoped.
2664. RPF - Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Steve Carell, During a late-night scene rehearsal, Stephen reveals to Steve that he thinks he may be bisexual.
2665. RPF - Pundits, Wyatt Cenac/any male correspondent, Wyatt has a hard time separating the gay from the stage!gay. He wonders how far apart they actually are.
2689. RPF - The Daily Show, Aasif Mandvi, 'Aasif's wife' isn't really Aasif's wife (transgender Aasif)
2690. RPF - The Daily Show, Jon Stewart, he finds it very amusing that no one realized that all those gay jokes weren't just jokes, and that he's been coming out repeatedly in the show since the beginning.
2691. RPF - The Daily Show, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Stephen confides in Jon what it's like to be a gay man married to a woman because he wanted children.
2692. RPF - The Daily Show, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Either Jon or Stephen dies, and the remaining partner tries to hide his grief because they were never open about their relationship.
2716. RPF- Fake News, Aasif Mandvi comes out on TV. How do he, and other people, reconcile being gay with being a Muslim?
2717. RPF- Pundits, Anderson Cooper/Sanjay Gupta, when Sanjay gets into a discussion of asexuality on TV it creates implications Anderson didn't want to confront publicly.
2718. RPF- Pundits, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert/Keith Olbermann/Anderson Cooper/Rachel Maddow, They've been poly for a while now, but when someone outs them, they have different ideas on how to react to the situation. (Bonus points if you discuss Stephen being Catholic and Rachel being a lesbian, stage gay and actual gay, and differing views on private vs. public knowledge.)
2719. RPF- Pundits, Jon/Keith/Rachel and the PRT, For a lesbian and two men who've identified as straight most of their lives embarking on a relationship together is sometimes complicated, but it gets even more complicated when their friends find out about their relationship.
2720. RPF- Pundits, Rachel Maddow, Rachel has a chance to live as a straight man when [plot device] leaves her with a male body. She might think it's fun at first, but as time goes on, she's surprised to find she misses being gay more than she misses being a woman.
2721. RPF- Pundits, Stephen Colbert/Amy Sedaris/Paul Dinello, neither Amy or Paul have ever mentioned it, but Stephen is very aware of the fact that he was the one who left their relationship for a heterosexual marriage. Sometimes, it feels like he didn't just abandon his partners; he turned his back on his bisexuality too.
3365. The Colbert Report, Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, Post divorce(s). After coming out, Stephen is (shockingly) disowned by his family.

3239. Strangers With Candy, Chuck Noblet, Chuck's internalized homophobia is the product of a different time. Everywhere around him, people are coming out and living happily and openly as gay, while he's stuck in the cage he built for himself. It is getting more and more absurd, and one day, something will break.
3240. Strangers With Candy, Chuck Noblet and Geoffrey Jellineck, AU set at Stonewall or in 70s San Francisco (Harvey Milk-era)
3241. Strangers With Candy, Chuck Noblet/Geoffrey Jellineck, Blackman gives Chuck and Geoffrey the task of setting up a support group for lgbt students. He offers no reason why he chose them in particular.
3242. Strangers With Candy, Geoffrey Jellineck, Being out and obvious in a small, intolerant town.
3243. Strangers With Candy, Geoffrey Jellineck/Chuck Noblet, After he comes out, Chuck deals with the loss of the privilege that came with pretending to be straight.

128. Any applicable fandom, any character, what it means for an LGBT person to have 'one of us' on the TV (or fandom suitable equivalent)
130. Any comedy fandom, any comedian, just because you're gay doesn't mean it should be the only thing you're allowed to make jokes about.
286. Any fandom, any characters, A political figure comes out.
340. Any fandom, any male character, His homosexuality has never bothered his Catholic best friend, and his best friend's Catholicism has never bothered him. But their friendship bothers a lot of people.
397. Any modern day fandom, any character. How does a nation react when their newly-elected head of state comes out on live national television?
2485. RPF - Any fandom, any characters, One partner in an established same-sex relationship has been making worse and worse borderline homophobic statements to the media. His/her partner doesn't think it's funny, and wonders what's motivating him/her
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