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Jun 26, 2011 18:30

Second thought of the day:

Today was my first day working at the farmers market with Rachel, the lady I'm apprenticing under. It. Was. Awesome!! There are so many fabulous people at the market and all this amazing produce and handmade creations and cool music....anyways. I met two very hot WWOOFers from England (wayhay!) and this cute dreadlocked, tattooed vendor selling coffee a few stalls down and loads of people came by to take samples and have a chat. The best part of the whole day was when C.J. from the farm I volunteered at a couple summers ago came over and gave me this great big hug and I was so thrilled to see him and he smelled so earthy and summery and it brought back all these memories of the farm and even tho we only chatted for a couple of minutes it was so great to see him and hear how they're all doing. He is such a lovely man. And that farm.....dude. When I have trouble sleeping at night, I picture the early mornings there, with the sunflower fence and picking okra with Adam as the sun is just coming over the mountain, dew still on the plants... I picture listening to Car Talk as we tied up tomatoes, or pulling the first radishes from the ground, or the beautiful, shocking bright colors of the first Swiss Chard I'd ever seen. I think of finding a rattlesnake in the eggplants and the smell of the basil rising in the heat as we picked and bagged it. I think of the whole team workign to break the soil, dig trenches, lay irrigation. When I can't sleep, I think of that first day I worked there, sitting out in the field in 110 degree weather, sitting right on the hot earth drinking this amazing smoothie out of a glass jar, while Adam and C.J. surveyed the land we had been digging up and I so vividly remember this moment of thinking 'I could do this for the rest of my life'.

It seems that no matter where I go or what I do, it all comes back to food. I have this fascination with food...where it comes from, how its made, how to cook it, how to eat it...I love growing things, I love eating things, I love all of it! Speaking of growing things, the school garden has produced quite well! Loads of tomatoes, chiles, a couple bell peppers, teh sunflowers are blooming away. Its a shame that the kids are gone for july, but hopefully when they come back we'll still have chiles and bell peppers and WATERMELON and corn. :) Anyways, can I just repeat this in case I forget - I. Love. Food. And I want to be surrounded by people like Rachel and C.J. who think that playing around with pumpkin seed butter for an afternoon is good work, who are just as thrilled as I am by butter lettuce, who are still awestruck by rainbow chard, with people who don't know what okra is, or what cashew butter tastes like, but want to try it. I want to be surrounded by people who understand what I mean when I say that the golden beets I got at Wild Oats are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. LOVE IT!
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