My comment on the last entry doesn't seem to be working, but I'll try again here. In my last comment, which is sadly not available for reading, I used the intellligent approach. No longer. Whoever the hell you are, I don't give a fuck what you think about gay people or what you think about Cross, because you are entitled to think whatever horrific thoughts you want. However, in posting them on an innocent, wonderful person's livejournal, a person who has been hurting - although your comment would be despicable regardless of any personal context, you are committing an enormous sin. You may think homosexuality is a sin, but you know what? Even if you think that (which I think is bullshit, but regardless), your cruelty is a far far greater sin. Obviously you're an evil, hurtful, despicable person without a soul who should be thrown into hell immediately, rather than polluting the earth with your presence and wasting the fucking space and oxygen. You go ahead and think your disgusting, evil thoughts. I can't stop you. But how dare you think you're so much better than someone else that you can post them in a public place like this where they are designed to hurt? If you believe that you're so much better than the rest of us, who gay or straight, don't believe homosexuality is wrong, than LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE. If you are disgusted by this attitude and people who have it, then why bother with them? Why waste your time, when you could be enjoying your own blessed heterosexuality (although frankly, anyone who has sex with you ever should have their head examined, but I digress) and spending time with people who do not make you sick? If you are so much better, WHY DO YOU CARE? Obviously, you don't have better things to do, which makes it hard to believe that you have any sort of superiority to us (and you know what? I'm straight. I'm not talking about homosexuality here. When I say us, I refer to people who have a soul. Because you obviously got born - blight to the earth - with an enormous defect). I don't give a fuck whether you think homosexuality is natural. I don't give a fuck what you think of Cross, because as long as it's in your own mind, it's far away from me and Cross and everyone else. What I do give a fuck about is your deliberate, disgusting cruelty. I no longer have anything left to say but: YOU ARE AN EVIL, SICKENING, DESPICABLE PIECE OF SCUM. THE WORLD WOULD BE A FAR BETTER PLACE WITHOUT YOU.
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