Feb 03, 2009 06:04
Yeah yeah... scary thought huh?
While trying to get something together for New York Comic-con I have come across so many hurdles. and things that have kept me from truly drawing.
First there is the fact that I haven't been drawing no where near as much as i use to.This is due to a lot of things that i care not to explain. Way too depressing.
Next...over a month of mandatory overtime at work... yeah while its a full time well paying job with benefits it crushed my drawing time.
My pc dying on me. Yeah this was a low blow. It went down at a critical time for me and cost me dearly. I had a co-worker /friend tell me that he would repair it for me if I bought the parts (which was great) but then he decided to try and rip me off.
After much drama drama drama later, and a near phone call away from having him arrested for theft i got my pc back but i am discovering that the pc was more damaged then I originaly believed. This may have been because of the power supply gone bad and not the vengeful tactics of a jerk trying to get over on me.
Who knows.
Then there was my being way to tired from it all to get much of anything done.
I may not be arriving with much of a portfolio for this con.
I'll have to do what I did at Comic-Con San Diego. Walk the floor, show what i do have and talk my ass off for leads.... and mind you... I've got a big ass..... that's a lot of talking.
So yeah I've been thinking about what a year this has been..... AND IT'S JUST FEBRUARY 4TH!!!!
(and yes my kitten is on crack..... she's been trying to type on my keyboard and is currently miffed at me for not allowing her this privilege XD )
life art comics portfolio