This weeks topic is an Introduction.
When I started reflecting on this weeks topic, I instantly started making a list of things that describe me. My thoughts were filled with the many descriptions I could come up with for myself. Such as: Father, Husband, Programmer, Soccer player, Friend, Brother, Son. I find these descriptions to be quite accurate and yet when I write them down I feel that they also do not say enough about who I am.
When someone asks us who we are, we often reach for words to define ourselves and use these types of words to label and categorize who we are in a finite set of words.
We try and set ourselves apart, or blend into a group, defining ourselves by trying to find a way to relate to the other person in terms that they can understand. The words we choose often depend on who is asking the question. Every single one of us does this.. and I think we all struggle daily with trying to find the answer to the question.. "Who are you?"
This morning I woke up and watched the sunrise. As it slowly rose over the treetops I found myself pondering this entry. What I found in those moments was not an answer to the question, but something else. It was a thought that stuck with me throughout the day. That thought was.. "This is the beginning of a journey." And I can't help but to be excited by that thought. I look forward to challenging myself to write about the topics in
When I think of how this is a beginning of a journey, I can't help but to think about the following quote.
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.
- Albert Camus
I realize that out of over a hundred contestants, there is a group of you that I may never know, and conversely many of you may never know me. But maybe.. if I'm lucky.. some of you will connect with me and walk beside me and be my friend. To me, the best compliment someone could give me is, "Cal is one of my best friends, he stuck with me when I was going through some rough times."
I look forward to this journey.